How to subscribe to IPOs?

Would be possible for us, retail investors to subscribe to IPOs and trade212(the broker)to pool our orders and get allocations of new IPO shares ? There is an issue that most of the IPOs(hot or not) are available only as second hand/trade to us.

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Not sure the order would be large enough to constitute private investment, which is essentially how you get in early.

Some platforms offer up early access to certain IPOs;

Here’s a list of US-based platforms (not sure if the domicile will be an issue) but as you can see the starting cap required is silly money;

What do you mean second hand though? I don’t understand. With T212 you get in as early as possible.

I’ve checked clickPro. They have a list of 4 low level/unknown IPOs. Nothing worthy of investment IMO. Perhaps that’s the level of accessibility for retail investors to IPO subscriptions :slight_smile:

Not really. Latest example is BigCommerce. It started trading on trade212 from $80 even if on other platforms(i.e. ibk). it started selling for ~$26-$27

BigCommerce was a one-off techincal error, but even if that had not occurred (take Lemonade for example, probably the biggest IPO before BIGC) the retailers wouldn’t have gotten in for less than $68.

And again, using LMND as a guide, the likelihood is the price will cool off within a few weeks anyway. BIGC went up over $100 on teh day but is currently back at $76. Not even $10 over the IPO opening price. I’d bank on this retracing back to $68 in time. I can’t think of a single IPO (granted I haven’t been watching too many) that has opened as big as these guys have and not dipped at some point.

But if all you’re looking to do is day trade the IPO then yes, this is obviously disappointing. To that I say chin up, there will be plenty… PLENTY… more. :wink:


And all those wonderful, wonderful SPACs!