Hummingbird/Nioko - what happens to minority shareholders?

Can anyone enlighten me on what happens during or before delisting, which appears to be quite likely? As a (very) minority shareholder, will Nioko compulsory purchase my HUM shares? Will we be notified through T212? Something else?
I have found historical posts on this with other acquisitions and wonder whether the shares just get converted to cash and passed back to the cash account.

Welcome to the Community, @Stockweasel :wave:

Whenever an instrument is announced to be delisted, it is suspended until the company or the respective stock exchange provides further information about the delisting and completes the event.

How such events are handled is beyond our control, but in most cases, delisted stocks undergo a liquidation process at a specific price, or they may be deemed worthless with a price of zero. Once the delisting is finalised, we execute the event accordingly on our end and notify all shareholders of what will happen with the delisted shares.

I’ve checked for more information regarding Hummingbird (HUM), but there’s nothing to share for the time being as the event is not confirmed yet. If there is any news in the future, we’ll include an update in one of our daily posts in the :briefcase: Corporate events category.

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Thanks @Momchil.G That makes perfect sense.