can you check why OTGLY | CD Projekt live prices - Trading 212
is not updating price? Its stuck at 6.41 for a week now.
can you check why OTGLY | CD Projekt live prices - Trading 212
is not updating price? Its stuck at 6.41 for a week now.
Hey, @Batchman
We’ve checked the instrument and everything is in order. Rest assured that once new quotes are received, they will be visualized accordingly on the chart.
Hey @arknor1981, we’ve double-checked this, and there are no issues from our end.
Тhe chart is indicative, and the quotes on it are not bound to execution. If you place any orders with OTGLY, they’ll be executed as soon as the market conditions allow.
I have the same issue.
There is definitely an issue. It would be good if this could be acknowledged, even if you dont know why instead of saying its fine. Especially if multiple people have raised the issue.
Anyway what will happen is they will keep saying theres no issue, then randomly theyl be like this will be in sell only mode because we dont support this stock anymore haha
I have the same issue.
Always 6.41, can’t buy or sell
I thought we’d got over the bogeyman posts but they’re still here I see.
Fun fact - my favourite thing about MK is when he tried to calculate free cash flow on a company that he understands so well he made a model on their future earnings and managed to get it completely wrong.
It’s literally two numbers, you take them away from each other and he still got it wrong
That doesn’t mean the naughty Mr is after all your dollars though.it just means a ticker isn’t working.
@Momchil.G and anyone else.
As an OTGLY shareholder I notied this too. After doing some investigating I found that the ADR had been moved from one bank to another and the instrument had been moved to Expert Market on July 1st?
Deutsche bank dont seem to be managing the shares now and have handed off to Citi ? but because some paperwork hasnt been filed it’s classed as Unsponsored ADR and has been moved to expert market?
I’ll be honest I dont know what’s true above and whats not, and I am just summising from snippets of info I have found and several people I have found that have reached out to brokers, and that have got different responses, here are some screen grabs.
Also here is a thread on Reddit regards somoene else doing some digging:
Screen grabs:
It would be nice if T212 team could do some research on our behalf and ask IBKR if this has been moved to expert market, have any quotes or trades been processed recently and if any restrictions are on the instrument.
No, I dont believe so. A sell order would probably execute fine as your closing the position but I dont think the OTGLY tickers price is/was following the main listings pirce so you’d probably sell at a loss to what it should be trading at, i’ve not checked recently. Just seems buy orders arent executing for a lot of brokers.
i’ll be honest,
I received today (07/27/2022) dividends from OTGLY
Wow the illegal elite cabal must be looking forward to shorting all the shares with the hedgies and Dave Griffin from Citadel and soon will take all your money like they stole the election.
Its fixed, after a month of “its working properly” and “it will update when there are new quotes”
even if the problem was not in their system, they should have at least acknowledged the issue
confidence inspiring
That’s surely the reason, indeed.
I’ll be honest; entirely missed it on that one.
Well played, sir.