Instruments in the Investments

Currently all the instruments in the Investment part of the portfolio are listed alphabetically irrespective of the country.

Is it possible to have all the instruments listed alphabetically by country, so for e.g. all the UK instruments, followed by US ones etc?

What you might find helpful, but not a solution to the exact problem, is to make two watch lists with all your stocks in it, both for UK and US. I do this and it makes it easier to see the daily movements

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@CavanHaganInvesting, thanks. I have two different watchlists - UK and US, which is very handy. It would be great to see instruments listed alphabetically by country in the portfolio.

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They are planning in making a filterable/sortable soon. But all I know if it by value, by pie. Haven’t heard of by country yet but hopefully they can add that in for you @George

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