Lock instrument views


When you add an instrument to your view using the + icon the instrument chart appears with the name of the instrument at the top and a X to the right of it.

Is there a way to ‘lock’ this view so you cannot accidentally close it? It’s not a problem with individual instruments but when you have a layout with multiple instruments and you have set it up how you want it, it can be very easy to close it accidentally.


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Locking or pinning an individual instrument or a ‘Split view’ tab is not possible at the moment. I do see how this can be useful, though, and I’ll forward your feedback to the team :pray:

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Awesome that would be great - thank you!

@Momchil.G In the past I had suggested an alternative to locking if locking feature isn’t possible; it was to display a dialogue box to confirm the ‘Close’ action. To a minimum this will offer an opportunity for a corrective action if the instrument was closed inadvertently. This has happened to me several times in the past and every time I had to recreate all drawings and indicators as there was parallel issue of the charts not carrying the configurations from one login session to another.