Multicurrency account GBP/EUR/USD etc

Please add Multicurrency accounts.
So we can top up and store USD/EUR/GBP.

It is beneficial for short term and long term investors. Not needing to worry on 2nd factor which is FX at time of buy/sell.

Also minimizing loss on dividend payouts from cross currency etf/stock , reinvestment etc.

Helps diversification of portfolio as well.


Having this feature wouldn’t change anything other than your emotions. You have still experianced the same swing, you are just now more blissfully unaware of how much. Maybe if you just covered up your p&l with a sticker on your monitor or something. That would have a similar effect.


Well i would still like to see multicurrency, for investing in various markets. Not to have all in same basket(currency).

I just mentioned one of obvious, visible nuances. :smile:


Not true exactly, if you wanted to close your position but it’s at a time the the FX rate is bad, then you are forced to take the bad FX rate and close your position. Where as with a multi currency account, you can close your position and do the conversion when the FX rate is better.

Makes a huge difference, I dunno about others but I had to stop trading US stocks over the past 2 weeks.


Would be cool to get some official update, at least to know if this is something feasible short/long term or not in plan.



Multi-currency would be v useful. As mentioned you can trade and exchange back at a rate of your choosing. Also, aiui T212 charge us fx conversion rates (0.35%?) for trading in currencies.


I gues I didn’t realise many of you trade CFDs and in FOREX. I suppose my headspace is just in buying equities where it really wouldn’t matter.

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It really doesn’t make a difference unless you just leave the cash sitting in your account for a week rather than sell your stocks & immediately invest in what you want.

Selling stocks & keeping them in the currency sold in is also taking some uninformed gamble on future fx fluctuations that could end up going negative just as easily


I don’t trade CFD’s or FX. But I do trade the US stock markets a lot and underneath the hood each trade is effectively a FX trade + stock trade. In normal conditions it is fine to work with, but when you have big spikes with things like brexit / general election, it makes it very unstable to the point you just have to stop. This usually means missing out on decent opportunities in the foreign market.


I don’t think you understand, it does make a difference as you’re being forced to take a FX rate on every trade. That is kind of like hoping lightning strikes twice (maybe not to that extreme). The bottom line is, when you want to buy or sell, you have to factor in both the FX rate and the stock price.

It is a lot easier to be able to deposit x amount into USD, y amount into GBP and just trade them, then convert them when you want to, rather than being forced to do it on every stock transaction (making you sometimes take a really bad FX rate in the short term).

The problem is, if you want to sell your stock and the FX rate is bad, it kinda puts you in a hard spot. Since if you don’t sell, your stock may go down and you will make a loss. If you do sell, you take a bad FX rate and eat into your profits (or even make a loss). If you had a multicurrency account you would just sell the share now and take the profit. Then when the FX rate is better (say a week later for example), you could convert the currency should you choose to. It makes a big enough difference, trust me.

EDIT: A good example is when the general election results were announced, the pound value went massively up. If your US stocks were 2% up, your profits were wiped at that point. If you predict your US stock is going to go down and want to pull out, you can but there goes your 2%. On the other side, if you sold your US shares on the same day and waited 2 weeks later for the GBP value to go back down, you could have easily done the currency conversion 2 weeks later and kept most of that 2% gain, rather than being forced to break even.


I guess the difference here again is, that I don’t trade. I will seldom sell a position, it’s a longterm portfolio I intend to hold till I’m old!

But to the other point. Your edit is just a gamble that prices will go back down. What if it were to continue to rise? And anyway, I know it’s not as elegant but can’t you just buy USD immediatly after you have sold say APPL, to make up the forex loss if you are that certain it will go back up or down.

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Well I am a short term trader so makes a much bigger difference to people like me I guess.

As to your second point, I don’t think that is necessarily the question. The question is not whether my “gamble” on the FX rate is correct or not, the question is whether it makes a difference. It does. No one knows what any instrument will do, but being able to have the choice to predict and decide when to trade each instrument is important.\

EDIT: Also, no I can’t buy USD immediately after selling my stock because I don’t trade FX and the only way you can trade FX is via a CFD on T212 (I think that’s how it is with all brokers in the UK not sure). I don’t like CFD’s and have always stayed away from them, I prefer owning the actual asset.


Well I look from long term perspective. I am using DGI strategy. For me multicurrency makes sense, as each micro transaction has double “taxation”.

My acc is USD but I invest also in UK and EU. For each company in UK/EU dividend will be first converted for loss to USD then when I repurchase UK/EU stock I convert for loss again. Ie yield of company is 3.5% and I can lose possibly 1% just on fx conversions.

So this multicurrency makes sense for long term as well…


Where are you from if you don’t mind me asking?

Why would the repurchase into say GBP be a loss again? Is it not basically the same exchange rate as long as it occurs quickly enough? I get you can lose out in dividends due to the exchange rate. But that problem will never go away, it’s like what I said at the beginning. You have still experianced the same currency swing. You just don’t notice it.

It’s not a good example. If your stocks were only up because of currency differences then they were never really up in the first place. If you’re going to be so wishy washy with buy/sell then you may as well just trade currencies rather than the stock market. I’ve not sold anything on here other than free shares immediately moved to my ETF. And again; your example assumes 1) you’re sure they would get a big enough majority to move the pound so much and 2) it wouldn’t remain stable at the new rate or go stronger still…if these are the case you may as well just trade currencies on your yacht

Brexit will probably make it drop further so best you not invest anything until it’s all over

… man there is a purchase rate and sell rate. So if you do gbp to usd then usd to gbp in 1 milisecond you lose money on buy /sell spread…

Ie 1 gbp exchange to 1.29 usd. Then i purchase gbp stock, transfer 1.29 usd to 0.99 gbp

Thus 1% loss, check any fx conversion.

This is using good fx rates conversion. If it is true that there is 0.35% markup fee as mentioned above, it is even greater loss.


I find it strange how some of you guys are arguing against like it is your money used to develop this feature?

If you dont care about multicurrency, dont comment. I would rather have useful input from Devs.


Who said the stock was up because of the currency? The example clearly says the stock is up 2%. Have you ever traded instruments in a foreign currency because you sound like you are very inexperienced and don’t understand this simple problem. It does make a difference to your profit and loss, it’s not all imaginery and it’s not all wishy washy. In the interest of not spamming this thread, I won’t comment on this anymore as I think I’ve already made it pretty clear what the problem is and the desire for this feature.


+1, I would love to have this option as well


I solved this problem by opening two accounts.
One GBP and another USD.
But I am also in favor of a multi-currency account.