My AutoInvest Pie: 10 stocks with huge upside potential

Yes Palantir and Snowflake are on my radar And interest me but have not had time to complete due diligence

You ride the momentum but you manage to time it perfectly, that’s the bit I need to learn… none of your picks were new to me as a new investor and I have Roku but what makes you pick fastly over square for example is the real talent :see_no_evil:

square is up 1225% in the last 5 years, not sure why avoiding that would be a talent.

i’ll be the bad guy and state that sure the category killers are performing but the unmentioned thing is the risk behind it, this portfolio is risky and speculative, if you can afford to risk your money in a portfolio like this then potential returns are good but it sure is risky.

survivorship bias comes into play a bit here also. could have bought zoom at $76 and it crashed to $15 then we wouldn’t have a thread, but because it went to $200 odd then we get a post of how good it is.


Portfolio consisting equal weighted:

Up 58% Since same time frame. In long run, which Portfolio has better outlook?

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I am really surprised that you have this portfolio @Vedran
Nio and Tesla don’t seem like picks for you :slight_smile: (or your toddler)

@student007, why have you chosen crowdstrike over others such as Palo Alto Networks or Fortinet?
They have all rallied alot, but I would like to know the reasons for your choice.

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Learned in life, sometimes it is better to do opposite of what you consider logical.

Short term, my portfolio trails toddlers 40%. Long term, we shall see :slight_smile:

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Compare the business growth rates and you can see CrowdStrike is the disruptor best of the breed! So i am betting on it to continue growing and taking market share faster than the other 2.

Risk is an important consideration nothing is 100% in this world - my circumstances likely to be v different to others as I explained in my intro blog on substack - good due diligence increases your chances of success rather than random darts being thrown as stock which is what gave me confidence that ZM was More likely to double from $76 rather than go to zero so risk reward was highly favourable if one had put in the time doing fundamental stock research- I never thought it would go above $400! In less than a year but if you stick with the best of the breed you go for the ride by sitting tight!!!

Don’t listen to the haters. I made money following your list of stonks.

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Good to hear!

Zoom was the most hated stock here and thanks to all the haters we were able to make so much money!!! - just scroll a month or two above on this forum and you will see all the negative comments people were making about Zoom - that story has been put to rest by Zoom earnings yesterday that I think has broken ALL Records in the history of the stock market!!! I have never seen anything like this in my life from any other company - unlikely to be sustainable but the biggest mistake people make is make predictions rather than look through the earnings releases and see if the facts have changed.

the risk is not so much the stock picks themselves but the lack of diversification, any portfolio with only 10 individual stocks is risky regardless of the stock picks themselves.

also I personally believe stock prices follow random walk theory so this means stock prices are random, it’s a controversial topic though as people like to think they are great stock pickers and would be offended to think they got lucky.

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Love this approach. My thumbnails are literally the same as Jospeph’s for this reason. Showing the portfolio value everytime I post.

Yep exactly the same as my channel. Go look through my video list, really cool just to watch the value grow each week!

So cool - good luck.

that zoom is definitely killing it!

Yep! Literally!! Records set with its ER! Doubt we ever see such a great ER in the history of stock market!

Buy the dip? :trolleybus:

I am not running a paid service but maybe I should start one?

Also I am NOT qualified to give investment advice to anyone so I can’t tell you what to do.

I am up a lot this year so this is not a big enough discount for me to add money aggressively to my portfolio but I have put a small amount of my monthly contributions to buy some of my favourite names.

He is Mr. Trolleybus @student007 I don’t think he is asking for advice :clown_face:

i might be wrong tho, then I have some serious egg on my face.

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