You can track very well your portfolio.
What programme is it?
Thank you
I’ve pasted it in so many places, it feels like I am selling it
It is completely open source though.
I m going to try. I m been trying to find a nice portfolio tracker but it looks very difficult to find a nice and complete one.
Thank you
Let me know guys if anyone of you have downloaded this tool and was it worth it? Better than google sheets in terms of functionality and excel/google sheets data transfer of info etc?
ZOOM $500
Any Zoom haters here? Do I hear anyone?
Category Killers knocking it out of the park +54% as a portfolio!
As a product I dislike it. I’m constantly having issues when I’m forced to use zoom Not that any competitors are any better
all video conferencing software just feels buggy.
It does feel like the negative sentiment on Zoom the stock is getting less which could be a sign that the shorts have finally given up so potentially might take a breather ! Nevertheless, I could not care less I look forward to their next earnings release to check if thesis remains in tact or not.
Yet another strong finish for the Category Killers! And another all time high, crushing the indices:
Good news for all of you who stuck with Alteryx - the one lagging Category killer stock! The best of the breed more often than not bounce back hard!
New all time highs for the Category killers today +85%!
I hope you went along the ride and made some money in the process. Curious to hear from people on T212 if you followed or if you did not what kept you away from it?
Periodically held Fastly and Datadog for small gains but overall I didn’t wade in as I hadn’t done any of my own DD on any of them. I did take a look at your blog but only Roku seemed to have any coverage that went into just why you consider it to be best in breed; something I find difficult to define as, for me, it has to go beyond having a moat. Would be keen to see your theses on the rest. I don’t think the time has passed to jump on them but obviously too late to catch the gains they’ve experienced.
Maybe I’ll bookmark for when the next crash hits.
I believe @pipo did a Pie based on your killers. Be interested to see how he’s gotten on.
I made a pie of your recommendations in first week of July. It was a late start, was red for a bit but now up 29%. Wish I had invested more.
didn’t follow but kept it simple with just DOCU and it’s doing OK but nothing amazing.
Mate 56% is amazing in absolute, £8k gains is nothing to be sniffed at. It’s a dream for some of us but we’ll get there and some
I took the plunge to start investing just a couple of weeks ago and have made a very modest start with £500 deposit to a pie based on your recommendations + a few others that I had already researched, with the plan to keep adding the same amount every month. Maybe it’s a very late start but I’ll let you know how it goes over the next few months! Thanks for the recommendations!
Not to be sniffed at. There is clearly a wide spread of investors, traders and those in between here, so puytting all your eggs in one basket might not be well received by some, but I think this year in particular has been kind to those who kept their folio smaller.
Not sure it will always work, but this year…
sure, not meaning to flex or anything but this is just a small position for me and I have a well diversified portfolio outside of this.
I have a diverse portfolio, one with 700% runner and 10+ ~60-80% runners, ROI since March 2020 is more than double.
Always diversify!!
Just to be clear, I didn’t say don’t; just saying it can work.
I’m also in a broad folio with some tightly focussed outliers.
Didn’t follow, I have my own things I like and look for - plus I was a bit late to catch most of the great growth, would have made some but nowhere near what you’ve had from them.
In answer to your question about whether I followed your recommendations - no, partly because I have some exposure to some of the stocks already but mostly because my view is that the majority are grossly overvalued (and I’m old enough to remember previous dot com bubbles/crashes).
Your view is clearly different and that is fine - we’re all entitled to opinions and different levels of risk profile.