New - Cheap stock

That’s what I think will happen.

I’m assuming Newcrest buyout of the remaining GGP owned part of Havieron.

GGP pays out a small dividend to its long time shareholders as a release of capital.

Uses what’s left to double down on its new drill targets and acquire new sites.

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Ha I’m glad it’s not just me, was beginning to think stocks have made me slightly neurotic :face_with_monocle:

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Still excited to see where it goes. Despite the risks (well slightly less now as things have developed since buying) It’s a confident risk feeling. Knew I was a stocks in mines kinda chick.

I just need to be more chill :sunglasses:

How long of a shareholder?

Same, if you find a way let me know! I’m considering buying another laptop and phone just to have enough news sources coming through haha

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It’s a figure of speech. They can’t literally identify old shareholders and only pay them out :sweat_smile:

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Haha by purchase or sale of date they could but oh yeah

At what stage do you think they may be bought out?

There’s no rush. They can’t earn anymore of the site so they might as well prove the resource and then can make an appropriate offer.

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I hope that GGP drills more in other locations such as Scalliwag before they sell Havieron.

What are your thoughts on Petra Diamonds? :gem:

I think I have seen your post on FT abt GGP but didn’t pay attention, I regret now. Can it still run.

Started reading your other posts now :+1:

I’m onto the penny stocks now I can say that it’s a brilliant idea over 108% return on one

Have you sold?
Returns are only “confirmed” once you sell… particularly with penny stocks, they can go back down again. I am not advising you to sell, I am suggesting (NOT financial advice) that you to evaluate your investments once your gains become realised ie. long term, once you sell.

I sold at 125% have a few more that are going well for now seeing how it plays out

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Get into tonix it’s going to go to at least 3$ at 1.55$ atm get in before 2.3$

What are your thoughts on pan Africa?

I’ve not done any research on them as I’m not looking to take a position but might fit your M.O.

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TBH I’ve been more preoccupied with Greatland Gold. I’m fairly invested with them so not had much disposable to look elsewhere.

I was invested in evraz at some point but sold and used the profits in Greatland.

I’m really waiting on Aussie landing on the exchange and investing more into mines there, for no specific reason other than I’ve lived there and worked near mines so know how much is left to discover.
I want to see Newcrest appear in the stocks - that’s what I’m waiting for :crossed_fingers:t2:

Fair enough, stick with what you know is always a good reasoning

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Same. I’m currently paying attention to the fact that Newcrest features somewhat prominently in the iShares Gold Producer ETF (along with a few other good companies involved in gold production (specifically, Barrick, Newmont, Franco-Nevada, and Wheaton)).

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