NKLA, what to do?

What have I just watched? :joy:


I know right! What a crazy statement. As soon as I read that there was a lot of credibility gone for me.

And now it’s up about 12% :man_shrugging:t2:

I’ve never used CFDs but it reallllly makes me want to short them :sweat_smile: I was sceptical about them since this


Shorted it on CFD (Sell/30.43600/29.596). But as usual, spread was criminal (300-400 difference) when the actual spread is 1-2c… smh :joy::joy::joy:

I opened a short position right before market close. If today wasn’t a pump and dump, I’ll eat my hat. It better be back to 30 dollars tomorrow.

Swung it today for about 6%. Small gain but it’ll do. :slight_smile: Sold before close.

My hat is safe. Just closed the short position for some small profit.

This is gambling at its finest lol.
I’m sure the algo systems are making a mint off the emotional and impulsive participants in this.

Good move! The thing is like a crypto at this point.

It’s all over the place.

They’re being investigated by the SEC now for fraud alligations.

popcorn —

Nikola Form 4 Filing From Chair Trevor Milton Shows Bought 41.4K Shares Between ~$30.10 And $33.59 Today

How old are you guys? Grow up. You behave like teenagers.

Exactly the reason I try not to engage on those platforms not that frequently. For me investing is a serious topic. Just saying…


Definitely agree with @chantal but there has been a lot of “smoke” around NKLA since the start. Considering what happened with Wirecard recently it’s easy to doubt in legitimacy of NKLA… I understand most of accusations come from short sellers and are not to be taken seriously but still with so much noise around them it’s hard to distinguish rumours from truth… I sold my roughly £200 worth of stock when they reached $49 and made a nice profit but I’m hesitant to jump back in…

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If people start to DM you to discuss a stock, because they don’t want all the bashers (who don’t have a position in the stock) to join the topic, then there is something wrong. Seriously.

A joke now and then is fine, but this is too much. Exactly why I don’t read Stocktwits anymore, also a Discord I visit a lot less and I see I’m doing the same here.

Everybody makes choices. What to invest in, where to do your groceries, what car brand they will drive or don’t own a car. Respect that choice. Even if you don’t agree.


“And Nikola now admits that it never got the truck to fully function. “As Nikola pivoted to the next generation of trucks, it ultimately decided not to invest additional resources into completing the process to make the Nikola One drive on its own propulsion,” Nikola wrote in its Monday statement. Instead, Nikola pivoted to working on its next vehicle, the Nikola Two.”

I don’t want to pick an argument but I would respectfully disagree.

Unless I’ve missed something, I don’t think anyone’s especially overstepped the mark and I see no problem with making light of situations.

To my mind, people should as free to bash a stock as evangelise about one.

I must resist the temptation to post a South Park-inspired meme of Al Gore saying: ‘Stop it guys, stocks are super serial.’ :joy:


I must admit I don’t feel like there’s been anything particularly malicious here. I think it’s healthy to be able to engage in a jovial way about what is, as you rightly say a serious topic.

But then again, we’re all human and entitled to our opinion.


Tl;dw; Basically saying GM won’t pull the deal just yet so Marry Barra doesn’t look stupid, they built in a 90 day get out window starting Sep 30 to Dec where they will exit the deal and Nikola gets killed off.

May be lucky I got out at even by the sound of it. Lesson learnt to take some profits!

Hope it works for those who remain committed.

Stocktwits, Discord, and now here. The common aspect here is you!

You have to have fun. Making and losing money is serious, everyone knows that. That’s a given. But why not have some fun at the same time.

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