So this morning I logged into my ISA and there was a notification (bell icon top right - desktop platform) that my annual statement was ready with instructions => go to documents and select “account statements”. I did that and there is no annual statement only a costs and charges document (which I can’t download and is very small on my screen so very hard to read)
Ah, thank you, glad it’s not just me being stupid.
Thanks for the heads up
We do not issue tax statements for ISAs due to the tax-free specifics of this type of account. I’ll check why you received it.
@KrisG in the invest account the statement does appear but you can’t download it (I assume the icon top right on the report is meant to download). I have also looked in the download folder to double check and nothing there. Also in the invest account the statements are fairly unreadable on a high res screen because they are so small so it would help to have an zoom/expand facility.
@KrisG oh another thought. I understand your comment about the tax situation in respect to ISA and thus we don’t need an annual statement for tax purposes but it would still be really good from an accounting (and personal information) perspective to have an annual isa statement so we can see total deposits, total withdraws and total profit/loss etc. It would be nice to be able to see performance and all of the info all in one place
Also found I couldn’t download the annual record document.
The “fees!” One has a number of unexplained figures.