Option to not include fractional shares in value limit order

When buying a value limit there should be an option to not include fractional shares, I absolutely hate fractional shares and I donā€™t buy / want them


Youā€™d have to sort of workaround to get this, because realistically itā€™s not going to be a priority dev - Iā€™m a bit funny with numbers so I usually:

  1. Switch to value
  2. Type in desired investment - note down number.
  3. Swap back to number of shares and type in the number I like.

Only adds a second or two to the day.

lol thanks itā€™s what I do now but find it getā€™s awfully frustrating after a while when your doing many trades.

You will always be able to select number of shares when using limit orders - we wonā€™t sacrifice any functionality that we already have today. Just enter whole numbers :slight_smile:

perhaps you read my suggestion to quick

Iā€™ll try again in layman terms it was an ā€œaddedā€ function as in a checkbox or something next to the value order ? so people donā€™t have to keep switching to and from the value and number of shares option ?

pm me if youā€™re still having problems.

I believe I understood you very well, correct me if Iā€™m wrong - you want to be able to select how much money to be spent on a stock but instead of fractions you want whole shares + ā€œspare changeā€.

I think ā€˜Number of sharesā€™ mode does the job since even today you get an estimation of how much you would spend for the selected number of shares: