PLEASE ADD $MARA before it's too late

I agree with the Donaldā€¦ for once :slight_smile: Out of interest: if T212 doesnā€™t yet offer a security you want, why not just buy it elsewhere before itā€™s too late?


Canā€™t be the first time :wink:

confirmed added by T212 after 100 years (jk)ā€¦ careful guysā€¦ literally chasing on this stockā€¦Goodluck to MARA watchers!

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IDEX did take off - I made over 4k on it?

You asking me or telling me?

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The only reason these are really late is because no one is doing their own DD, otherwise theyā€™d have spotted MARA weeks ago and asked for it added then.

And for the few hat did get in early (I can see MARA was requested a month ago) if youā€™d have made enough noise about it then Iā€™m sure the team wouldā€™ve obliged.

Like I keep saying, thereā€™s always another rocket to catch.

YEY MARA IS ADDED. oh wait it just went 100% plus and now itā€™s burning everyone.
just checked on the search and people have been asking since June 11.
At least is in.

There are people waiting for stocks of big companies, ETFs and others for monthsā€¦ Iā€™m personally waiting longer than that for some German stocksā€¦ but everyday the penny masters are here to complain about their best stock ever that will make then richer than Jeff Bezos over night :clown_face:


Oh man you made me laugh, you are good.
Not rich but ending a day with a big smile yes.
I think Thatā€™s why we are all here for

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