Portfolio "Xray" or Indepth Portfolio Analysis

I’m not sure if this has been suggested before, but additional options within the allocation section showing the different sectors/ markets that make up your portfolio would be great, just to keep tabs on how diversified or not diversified the portfolio is.

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Wallmine is decent for this if you’ve not tried it?


Welcome! I like the idea but, for me at least, this falls into the nice-to-have category and I’d prefer a focus on more account types, new markets etc.

There are some good standalone tools out there already like @Dougal1984 mentioned. One I like is Simply Wall Street, which looks like this:



Morningstar also have a X-Ray tool, that shows the portfolio’s assets made of several funds/ETFs, by asset class, sector, region, country, etc.

Trustnet could also be an alternative. I used to use it in complement with other portfolio tools (mainly for funds) in the past. Not using in the last years due to my movement to stocks.

An example, a performance duel between Fundsmith and SMT and another global IF :wink: :


I always find the Morningstar one buggy but it’s great when it works. I hadn’t really used that Trustnet tool before – it looks nifty, thanks.

One of these days, I’ll get around to scraping this sort of data in Sheets so I can see the underlying exposure of all my ETFs and trusts at a glance.

T212 could add this if they wanted to.

Competitors like InvestEngine and LightYear (top 10 at least) show underlying ETF holdings.

There are a few market data vendors who provide this service that T212 could buy from.


where can you find that on simplywallstreet?, i’ve got my portfolio made up on there just can’t really analyze it.

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If you click on your portfolio, you should be able to find this under the ‘diversification’ tab.

Don’t forget that it would mean an extra expense for T212, it would pressure their financial results, and they could raise existing fees or create new ones. :wink:

I don’t want to pay more just to have a portfolio tool from T212.

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I’ve read their latest financials. They’re fine. Another 20k/30k annual fee from a data vendor for underlying ETF holdings will not break the bank or force fees to go up.

T212 should consider some cooperation with Quartr app.