If execution speed and reliability matters you’re with the wrong broker. You need to pay commission for that level of reliability on memey low market cap crap. It would be worth your while evidently by the trades you list.
I think because there are many people waiting to join trading 212 - losing existing client doesn’t hurt trading 212.
That is why you get a sense of feeling they don’t care whether they provide you the best service to make gains. Many times I lost money due to the limitations of trading 212.
This approach is not good for the long term and in the future might back fire. Because those that leave will always give poor ratings and it all adds up over time, especially if better versions of trading 212 is offered by someone else comes along in time.
Tbh to me, it is more of a longer term ‘investing’ platform than trying to trade or scalp the markets. Due to low costs we are limited on what we can do, speed of execution, type of trades, has to be a cut off somewhere.
Step 1: pick a commission free broker
Step 2: try to get fills on extremely volatile stocks
Step 3: complain of bad service.
Take a look at the SEC report over January’s events, you might get a better idea how markets actually function and why you may not get filled. Nobody is trying to {censored} you over. 🤷