Problem for cancelling a sell order

I’m trying to cancel a sell order I set a few weeks ago and this whell is still turning after 10 mins and my old order is still there …any advice?

Sometimes I think there is a bit of a delay for the order to be refreshed.
If it does not process and go through by tomorrow, then get message back and this can be closer looked at by a member of staff.

My advice would be to make a note of the time and take screenshots, like you have, of the time and date when you cancelled etc.

Everything should be ok and cancelled for you, I have had this myself once or twice in the past. Everything got cancelled in time for me.

After 5 hours the problem persist.
Tomorrow Should I write an email to T212 or should I write again here?

I can tag the staff in now and they will take a look as soon as they can.
It should be fine by the open tomorrow though.

@Tony.V - could you assist this person please.


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I seen it happen over weekend, I think once futures are up or UK market opens, it will be processed.

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