S&S ISA transfer if ETF/Fund doesn't exist

Hi all, I want to transfer my vanguard S&S isa to t212. Of my portfolio, VUSA is the only etf that t212 also offers, the other 2 aren’t offered by t212.

Do I have to sell them myself, or does Trading212/Vanguard identify that it can’t be transferred in-specie and sells it for me before completing the transfer?

I already have a S&S isa with t212, so I just need to do the transfer, and am stuck on the “Assets to transfer” bit of the form. I have read vanguard transfers are slow, but I’ve already hit the isa limit so taking it out as cash and moving it to t212 myself isn’t an option :confused:

Thank you! Also sorry if this has been asked before. Have been trying to find a similar question but my searching skills don’t seem to be working right now…

replying to my own post. I think the answer is, I have to sell it before I do the transfer.

So, to avoid being out of the market completely during the transfer, I’ve decided to do a switch inside vanguard - switching the other 2 investments to VHVG, which t212 offers. Then once they’ve switched, I’ll do my transfer… hopefully it goes through before the end of Jan.

If they’re UCITS ETFs you could request them be added?

No they aren’t, they’re both funds :sob:

@nebs Did you have any cash in your isa as well to transfer over? did you have to specify that anywhere or do they automatically transfer that?

@Heyinvest I do have cash in my isa! So it’s 2 ETFs + Cash. I only had to specify what ETFs and the amount. Having said that, my transfer still hasn’t completed… I’m not sure what’s happening tbh.

I’ve just messaged you here - please check your inbox :mailbox_with_mail:

Ah ok, how will they know how much cash to transfer? I’m trying to understand this at the moment

@Heyinvest Honestly don’t know, but if it’s anything like switching bank accounts or transferring cash isas, then they literally just move the money over. They only ask about the ETFs to gauge what to expect I guess, because it’s an in-specie transfer, so more difficult than moving just cash.

Not sure if anyone on here can help me. I just got some news back about my transfer…

“We have received a valuation from Vanguard. Unfortunately, due to a difference in settlement instructions, we are unable to transfer Vanguard FTSE Developed World UCITS ETF. Can you please confirm if you would like this sold and transferred as cash or left with Vanguard?”

I don’t understand what “difference in settlement instructions” could be. I have 86 units to be moved and I wrote it on the form, I don’t get why it’s suddenly a problem…

Does anyone know what “difference in settlement instruction” means, and has anyone been through this before (and what did you do)?

I would contact 212 directly about your transfer, not on the forum. If the ETF is available on 212, then it should be transferable.

Each instrument must be settled between the two brokers. If there’s a difference, we won’t be able to transfer the shares.

We located your case about the matching settlement instructions and more info was shared in the ongoing discussion.

Did you get an answer? its an odd message that they sent. I’m also transferring so just curious what the issue was

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