Selecting pies and begining investing

Absolute newbie here. I´m trying to select a pie. I have an amount of money, I want to invest all at once so I want to think strategically. Does people use more then one pie for diversification? do I end up paying more the more ETFs I use?
I was thinking about the wisdom core pie, moderate or aggressive. Aggressive does not has bonds though which I understood give more stability.
I thought about if I go for the aggressive I can keep at least 25% of my cash to collect the interest on cash here or to invest in bonds.
I was also looking at the wisdometree tech that looks like it have the best yield and maybe I should put half of the money there?
Also, If I want to have growth but also some income, how do I find if I get dividends, do I need to check each stock in the ETF?
Hope I´m not sounding too confused I´m sure I´ll get it in the end :slight_smile: