Show results per day in Portfolio

Is there any update on this? As far as I know it’s still not possible, right?

Not yet. If there are any updates, I will post them in this thread :ok_hand:

A heat map would be really cool


It’s unreal that this feature was first requested in 2020 and still no news. As it’s just a display change not a functionality change it should be fairly simple to implement.

All the updates since 2020 have been great and are appreciated, but please 212 team bump this simple change up your list, you’ll please so many users…
Rant over!


It would also be great if a heatmap highlighted which companies you hold - ie if you have shares the typeface colour is yellow or if you don’t hold its white (like you’re example).


+1. Also on the following of this, it would be nice if showing the daily variation of the instrument without having to click on it.

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