Top 10 stocks on Robinhood

yup, looks like itā€™s bye bye to robintrack then. without api access site wonā€™t exist.

ps anyone else find it weird that ford is the most popular stock on the robintrack leaderboardā€¦ why do so many people own it?

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I notice a lot of people in America own Ford. I think itā€™s more of a staple over there, especially for their pickups. Maybe just people blindly buying it because it looks really cheap

ah wait, I found outā€¦robinhood users can get free stock of Ford - that expains it!

edit: same with GE

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Sounds like us and NG. Always get it with free shares lol


NG isnā€™t a terrible stock though, has business in both UK and US, dividend is alright. If the UK part gets privatised then they will still have the US portion which is growing.

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Oh no I like NG, wasnā€™t complaining. Iā€™ve 1% allocated to it I think.ā€™pretty solid company

Also because with $100 you can have almost 15 shares of Ford, while in any other big company you may have 0,103789136274823684623.
Psychology plays at lot on stock market.

Where or how do you put yourself on the waiting list?

You canā€™t. Robinhood scratched their UK plans.