Unable to withdraw free funds

Try again Ben, it just let me take some, it’s still not right, but I got some…

I feel like I’ve always been able to withdraw funds whenever my margin indicator shows more than 50%.

If I was sitting at 49% and an instrument price increased sufficiently to raise that above 50% then free funds became available to withdraw. This happened almost daily recently when the bitcoin price was increasing.

Wasn’t I withdrawing unrealised profits? What am I missing?

No broker would ever let to take unrealised gains.

You might have deposited 110, used 100 for blocked funds to open a position, say. That position moved against you and margin indicator dropped to 49%. Then the position improved and margin indicator became 53%, say. You would now be able to withdraw 10 of your original deposit, but not unrealised gains on the open position.

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