What does "212" mean?

I’ve always been wandering. What does the 212 in Trading 212 mean?


Something to do with a Wall St area code


That would interest me too!

You might be right! This is ChatGPT’s response:

The “212” in Trading 212’s name is derived from the telephone area code for New York City, United States. Historically, area code 212 was one of the original area codes established in 1947 and covered Manhattan and the Bronx. It has since become associated with New York City’s financial district and carries connotations of finance and investment, which align with Trading 212’s focus on trading and investing.

I’d like an official response though :slight_smile: @Bogi.H


I am right - the head of 212 told me a few years ago.


Unless mistaken by my memory, I think I had read somewhere from a official source, that the “212” represent a advanced way to trade. (Being 101 the basic way, the universities use the numbering system to identify subject classes.)

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Commenting to subscribe to this, interested too

If I remember correctly one of the T212 key employees (Ivan) confirmed that it is the telephone area (as per ChatGPT and Donald’s reponse).
Unfortunately I have not been able to find the original response by Ivan


Can neither confirm nor deny :joy:


Could we rephrase the question

“What does ‘212’ mean to you?”

Might get some more interesting answers :sweat_smile:


When someone buys Penny Stocks and the Charts show the Pump and Dump.

Buy at 2, dips to 1, goes back to 2.

Ends up at 0 in a few years. :rofl::rofl:

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212 Area code for Manhattan including Wall St.

Trading Two Hundred and Twelve

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