What is the new update about?

what features are going to added, will more stocks be added, I wish you went more in depth about what the update is about.

What update? No new updates on Android for me anyway.

There was a maintenance upgrade being done today I think.

More than likely upgrade to servers or something similar to come with the new changes coming.
(I presume).

The next few updates will be the PIE and auto invest I think, plus a few extra bits thrown in there.

Yeah reckon it was just a regular old “bug fixes and improvements” update.

Along with the regular bug fixes with this update we are preparing your app for the AutoInvest launch.


@George with the autoinvest that will be realeased this week we will be able to transfer stocks that we own to the pie? or do we need to start a pie from scratch and eventualy in a future update we will be able to send shares to the pie?

@afonsoocosta53 Here’s my reply to the same question :slight_smile:

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Thanks. I will start the pie and eventually I transfer the shares that I already own to the pie :slight_smile:

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how long until it’s released? been hearing this for a a few weeks now.

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Check the auto invest thread. The beta will start to roll out Monday eve to 100 randomly selected users. If it goes well, the rest of the users will follow. Note you have to have signed up to the beta program to be part of this.

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