Withdrawal Query (Card Number)

Hey guys!

I’ve a question about the withdrawal process. As my old card is due to expire this June 2020, i understand that I’ll not be able withdraw funds into the old card after June.

I’ve been informed by my bank that I’ll be receiving a new card which will have the same card number as the old one, but with a new expiry date and a different security number.

So, if the new card is of the same card number as the old one, do I still proceed to make withdrawal using the default method, or do I have to inform the Trading212 team of the new card’s expiry date before I can proceed with a new process of withdrawal?

Anybody who had experienced this issue before and have a solution please help a brother out. Thank you!


If that’s the case, then no further action is required on your end - we’ll issue the funds towards the same card. :money_with_wings:

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Hi thanks for the reply.

Does this mean that even though the new card has a different security number and different expiry date, I do not have to update it in the system and I’ll still be able to receieve funds through it? :slight_smile:

Thank you once again!

Yes, since the new card is associated with the same bank account, then no further action is required on your end - the funds will be received as usual.

On the other hand, upon your next deposit, you’ll have to put the new expiration and CVV.


Thank you for the clear explanation! :blush:

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