YouTube influencers in the UK and EU

Not an ā€˜influencerā€™ (shudders) but big mention to James Shack if you want sound general investment advice


Surely heā€™s an Finfluencer?

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Like I said earlier - you need to have some principles when making content. Yes people on youtube are out to make some money either as a passion project or as a main job but you need to be careful what you put out.

My general rule of thumb is I donā€™t talk about investments unless I have personally bought them or plan to buy them.

Itā€™s easy to take the wrong path. For example, Sasha has 40k+ subscribers just because of his clickbait titles. Paul is incomparably better, his videos are more entertaining and better made (editing is better, for example, much better than everything money). He starter earlier, and he has 20k subscribers.

The audience likes asses and tits or in this case clickbait headlines about a stock market crash, then tomorrow how a crash is a lie (so he canā€™t be wrong), 3rd day a little fight with other YouTubers, 4th day exclusive (fake) news about the failure of a broker and mandatory video how to earn 90k a month without work.

But it brings views, and views make money.


Think he misunderstood the ā€œpersonalā€ in his personal finance videosā€¦ we want to make money not make you money :rofl:

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Sven is brilliant and that Peter guy is a complete moron. Do not trust a word that comes out of his mouth.

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Robert Reynolds AKA the popular investor. Fantastic investor who is very knowledgeable and above all else actually gets results which is what we are all here for. He achieved 27% return in 2021 with a public portfolio you can view on etorro.


This post may get taken down, but to all the guys that were complaining about youtuberā€™s being clickbaity and some specific characters that make FUD based videos on Trading 212 this is my response! Sorry (not sorry!)

Spoiler - Trading 212 is NOT going bankrupt!!!

@ThatFinanceShow @Briscoe @Dougal1984 @Scrooge_McCodf @Magnesium


Thanks for this summary. Now I donā€™t need to watch your video :rofl:


Is it mandatory for all youtube influences to pull faces and point in their video thumbnails?

Haha clickbait at its best! But in all fairness, itā€™s hard for them to differentiate among a crowd of thousandsā€¦ so thereā€™s that.

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Ask yourself what you would rather click on - a dull face or one with expression. Youtube is the modern form of entertainment.


How do you decide what expression to pull? Do you take a few different ones and choose the one closest to constipation?

Iā€™m only poking fun. It takes a lot to put yourself out there, and a lot of time and effort to make a video iā€™m sure.

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Thank you - not everyone realises that. Probably the biggest downside as a Youtuber you tend to either develop a very thick skin or become blind to the difference between a light hearted poke or something malicious!

One of the best comments I got was - ā€œYour videos would be better if you didnā€™t show your teeth when talkingā€ā€¦ Not sure how one does that!


Wear a face mask?


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Ultimately your link is saying T212 is great, click my affiliated link so I get cash.

Sashaā€™s says T212 is crap, click my affiliated link for Freetrade (or whoever) so I get cash.

Important for anyone watching to do their own research and get themselves comfortable. Iā€™d be wary of making a judgement based on either video.


I wonder how much down his portfolio on palantir :laughing:


Tom is becoming my favourite influencer :slight_smile:

Toms great. He was a very good guest too :slightly_smiling_face:

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