A bug or what in the result calculation?

Hi Trading 212,

Can you explain the result of the image below? The stock has been steady in this position for about 10 seconds.

I am short. The spot buy price is at the same price of the price I paid to go short… So why my result is negative?


Probably due to exchange rate fluctuations. The result is given in your local account currency and takes exchange rate fluctuations into account.

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It can’t be the exchange rate fluctuation- Wirecard is quoted in EUR and my account is in EUR.

Not sure 100% but CFD even when you go short, you still compare sell price vs sell price.

Thus you went short on 2.90e price, current sell price is 2.861e. Thus your negative returns.

Using logic that you short using sell price and the profit based on buy price, you would be in profit always and could just short and profit on spread. Because Buy price is always higher then sell price.

That’s not right. He is short selling so will be buying back the stock.

so you short and you profit right away. Sell price is always lower then buy price. Infinite money I say.

Vedran is completely wrong what you say.

The logic is exactly you go short using the sell price and you sell your position with buy price (buy price > sell price so in a short position is worst situation).

I make you an example my friend so you can get what I say:

In the image above you have for Wirecard:

Sell: 2.861
Buy: 2.900

If you go short in that moment you will borrow those shares at 2.861
If you would want to close your position exactly on the same moment you opened it then you will close the position at 2.900.

Let’s say you bought 400 shares. So we will have:

(2.861-2.900) x 400 = -15.6 €

So you sentence:

“Using logic that you short using sell price and the profit based on buy price, you would be in profit always and could just short and profit on spread. Because Buy price is always higher then sell price.”

means you have no idea what is short.

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No if he entered a short sell now it would be @ the sell price of 2.861 then he would need to buy back the stock at the current price of 2.9000 giving a loss of -0.039.

Not free money

You learn something new everyday :beers:

Can you see if this is similar to what you experience:

Will investigate and get back to you.

@Ados83 How often are you able to replicate this occurrence? Is it regular? The result on the trade is being updated every couple of seconds, whereas the price is updated instantly - which might lead to discrepancies between the current price and the result.