About the šŸ’” Feature suggestions & ideas category

Welcome to the Community, @ethan :tada:

This definitely sounds like a feature that could enhance the security of each account. Iā€™ll forward it to the team and let you know should this be introduced in the future :raised_hands:

Welll, I just learned that your Stocks& Shares ISA is NOT FLEXIBLE!!! Who does that and why? That is such an out of date method. What people are aiming for nowdays is as much flexibility as possible. I really though that a good platform like this is more forwardthinking. Please turn it into a flexible ISA, more people would sign up, I am sure.

Welcome to the Community, @ErikaB :wave:

We definitely recognise the significance of contribution freedom in your ISA. Introducing a flexible option is something that weā€™re looking into. Iā€™ll pass your feedback to the team, and weā€™ll make sure to notify everyone if this gets introduced in the future :raised_hands:

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Hi @Team212,

I would love to see ASX, Singapore SE, TSX.V being introduced. Trading 212 can distinguish itself from other retail brokers by offering these beloved markets among investors.

Thank you!

The ability to sell specific stocks. Fidelity has this feature

I donā€™t see it documented on the site if stock sales have any guaranteed order (e.g. oldest first). Some countries have 0 capital gains if selling stocks after n years so itā€™s useful to guarantee the sale of the older ones. Similarly if you suddenly need some cash and the older stocks arenā€™t too old but the most recent stocks are negative it would allow you to sell the more recent ones and avoid the CG due to it having a loss (and then wait the time period to sell the ones in profit).
People could sell a combination of older & newer stock purchases to balance out P/L too

Iā€™ve noticed that there is only a days share movement price +/- % displayed next to shares within the watchlist. There is a small one displayed on some shares by the news section.
However shares held in the investment Portfolio do not show this feature next to the current price. this would be very useful and gives a quick overview in which direct the stock is heading on a particular day. Please can you add this feature, Thank you

As well, it would be great to have
an ATR trailing stop loss,

and on INV/ISA it would be great to have a Stop Loss as well as a Take Profit as found on CFD. You can set one, but not both.

Also the buy Stop/Limit order (as on INV) would be hugely useful on CFD

Financial information thatā€™s specifically just for REITā€™s would be nice to have.

Is it possible to put the current share price on the front of the My Investments screen, rather than having to go into each company, to find it?

On the mobile app, you can only see the invested amount in the ā€˜Investmentsā€™ section, and replacing it with the current price isnā€™t possible. Iā€™ll pass on this as a suggestion, though.

If you use the web app, you can switch to ā€˜Advanced viewā€™ from the ā€˜Homeā€™ icon on top of the screen and then click on the three dots at the bottom right-hand side of the chart.


Is there a roadmap anywhere showing future app updates? It would be interesting to see what is being worked on and the backlog. Maybe the users could help MoSCoW them?


Can we have a search filter for currency or stock exchange please? I want to be able to search more efficiently.


Need screeners when searching for stocks and ETFā€™s, can be annoying if I want ETFā€™s that distributes dividends rather than accumulates for example.

Also need more exchanges added, ablitiy to buy bonds and mutual funds like you can do on IBKR would be nice.

I find it incredible that itā€™s not possible to see the daily gain / loss of individual company shareholdings I own. Other companies offer this. I have to use a 3rd party App to keep track of this. Itā€™s ridiculous. Other trading Apps allow you to see your portfolio gains/losses during specific timepoints like 1 day, week or month. Itā€™s crazy that T212 donā€™t offer this.

Iā€™d also like to see a return of bid / sell spread prices as opposed to the ā€œlast transactionā€ price.

Finally Iā€™d like to see Calendar events for the companies I hold. Quarterly earnings call dates for example. Again, I have to resort to using a 3rd party app for this. Itā€™s crazy. Theyā€™re widely available and freely published, just not available within T212.

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Thank you for the suggestions @Murph747. These were forwarded already and weā€™ll consider them. :pray:

We display information about the number of shares you own, the average and/or current price, and the return (gain/loss + FX impact). This is updated regularly and based on the last trade price.

Buy/Sell prices are no longer available in the Invest & ISA, since theyā€™re meant to indicate supply and demand. Youā€™ll see the last trade price because that reflects a productā€™s value better.

At the moment, we only offer an ā€œeconomic calendarā€. Thereā€™s no specific calendar that will display all events for companies you invested in, but that does sound like a great idea.

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Hi guys, I apologise if Iā€™m being inconvenient or misusing the forum or even talking about a topic thatā€™s already been discussed.

But I wanted to make a suggestion that would be very favourable to me and probably to some others:

Iā€™m in Portugal and havenā€™t had access to the card yet, but Iā€™d like to be able to define rules for topping up the account/card as I have for example at revolut where I say that after X balance, to transfer Y.

Practical example:
I define as a rule: If the account has less than 1000ā‚¬, top up with + 1000ā‚¬.

After having 1001ā‚¬ and making a purchase of either 2ā‚¬ or 500ā‚¬, it makes an automatic and immediate transfer to ensure that the balance is available there. If this transfer could also be free, as is the case with revolut, I think it would add more value to using the card.

I would remind you that this is an idea that I donā€™t think has been implemented as I live in Europe and am still waiting for the card.

  • Be able to see the portfolio returns without FX impact
  • Be able to see portfolio with individual stock price lines
  • Be able to receive dividends and keep them in their currencies. I have both USD and EUR cash balances and each time I receive dividends in USD they are automatically FXā€™d in EUR because it is my ā€œmother currencyā€.
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Can we have the possibility of adding notes in a pie? Iā€™d welcome that functionality

We appreciate the feedback, @Pinheiro, @IVO_2024 and @ermejoromano :pray:

I see how all of the suggestions can improve our clientsā€™ experience, and I will forward them to the team. If any of the improvements are introduced with a future update, weā€™ll share the news right away.


It would also be great to be able to see the price of a stock in another currency in my own currency. Included Conversion costs