Are you keeping or selling tesla

What’s that Flo Rida song - down down down down.

Apple bottom Tesla down down down lol

Boots with the safe style windows.

If you want to make money buy oil for the pre-imminent supercycle which will take oil to never seen before highs, ride it like a cowboy yehaaaaa. Timber/packaging is currently wild, next stop fossil fuels, Choo Choo.

Yeah bro it’s all good, thanks for the concern. Tesla has had such a huge run it’ll need to go pretty low before I start losing money. As I said lol, probably should not buy with leverage, but wth, yolo.

How do the x long shares work? I’ve seen them but never fully understood

This is the best thread to read on them:

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I see Cathie Woods continued buying yesterday with around 100,000 shares

545 on the low… Some are saying it will go to 450 potentially

Next tip for a potential breakout HSS Hire or you could just buy more Tesla?

Why do you think that it is going to do well?

  1. Right issue has taken place to pay down debt.
  2. Overheads have been reduced.
  3. Company has gone digital.
  4. DIY is booming.
  5. Look at the fundamentals it’s turning ROCE, income etc.
  6. PB - 0.4
  7. It’s not been caught by the market yet. (Good value play)
  8. I am a beast.

This wouldn’t be an investment for me, more a medium term trade.

Illuminati /_\ :raised_hands::volcano::arrow_up_small:


Last time I looked Tesla was the top holding. So I thought I would check back. This is good selection of companies.

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As you say that is a strong group. It may stronger depending on how things go with NVDA and CRM becoming more sensibly priced.

Great basket though

Last night I was on call and read another 400+ post tesla yay/nay wars thread :slight_smile: for funsies.

@Vedran this one is for you :stuck_out_tongue: just to say “I was there where no one was, and trading 212 did not exist” I hope the date is visible.

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I think I might buy TSLA when it starts to dip :smirk:

$420 :thinking:


My worry about BABA is being subject to political interventions both from the US and China.

I am also eyeing this range :slight_smile:

Mine too, more dips to buy! xD

If it goes to $420 is anyone looking to buy a kidney? Asking for a friend…


Kidney’s are not worth as much as you think, simply because a market even an illegal one does not exist in developed countries. You’ll have to get very lucky to find the right guy needing the right kidney with a chunk of money.

you can buy a kidney in Colombia for as low as €5000, but I think the “organ mafia” uses random locals for procurement :slight_smile:


This was Covid hitting.

And below seriously over bought returning to that 200 EMA

I have my alert set at $520 to start watching.

I would expect a dip into the high 400s. :palms_up_together:

Weekly 50 EMA (~rolling year avg)

You seem to know a lot about the kidney market :face_with_monocle: