AutoInvest - Feedback

Is there any plans to add additional or custom deposit schedules?

For example i want to make a weekly total deposit of Ā£50 into a pie but i want to deposit Ā£25 on a Tuesday and Ā£25 on Thursday. Currently the schedule wont allow for such a deposit it would have to be done manually.


@L.D @George

Bump for the selling issue, still not able to sell removed stocks due to 0.20$ limit.

Why trading with such tiny values. Assume this is just a testā€¦ I have had no issues with pies so far but manually adding funds in with decent amounts.

I have the same issue as you @Verdan, also mentioned it a few weeks ago.

The value of a stock fell beneath 0.20 GBP so I cannot sell the pie.

I am not trading such small values, original sell failed, left me hanging with 0.12$ā€¦ :wink:

In my case it was a trial pie, but I do intend to fund my pie with small weekly amounts, which could lead to issues like this.

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same thing happened with me. it was bothering me so i deposited more money to buy more of the stock, just to immediately sell it again. bit of a hack but sorted the issue.

@H2T2 I had the same issue, you should be able to withdraw all of it except the last Ā£1. But this will then leave you with a pie with Ā£1. You can edit the pie and invest into it still.

@George are you guys aware of the issue where money canā€™t be withdrawn from pies if you cancel the initial investment?

Yes, we are, and weā€™re looking into it :eyes:

Good to know, I donā€™t need any help with it as I edited my pie and deposited more into it using the existing funds, but it was very confusing for a while not being able to withdraw the last Ā£1.

Looking forward to the pies in pies when that comes. Will we be able to move our existing pies into pies?

We found a bug in the Android UI. Weā€™ll be fixing it with the next update. You can either wait for the update or work around the bug by investing in the pie and then selling. :slight_smile:


Iā€™ve asked this before but I didnā€™t get a reply so just checking again - does the update go through automatically on the platform? (Asking for a friend whoā€™s a little rubbish with tech :woman_shrugging:t2:)

like normal updates it depends on your settings. if you are like me and prevent it from constantly updating whenever it pleases draining your mobile dataplan, you need to go to the android google play store and under apps section make sure any outstanding updates are completed. when a T212 update is made available this will let you know you have installed it or not. after that your friend should be good to go

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Thank you :joy::see_no_evil: thatā€™s brilliant Iā€™ll pass that right on

I technically no longer need to block updates I just saw no reason to change it back to normal. I set my update settings back when my dataplan was just 250mb a month LOL. I now get 10gb a month, with a 1-month rollover for whatever I donā€™t use in the last month (which is usually about 7-9gb) and during covid-19 my provider has been providing me with an extra 10gb a month just to be sure I can always keep in touch with family and friends :stuck_out_tongue:

usually my updates all go through once I place my phone on charge and I am connected to wifi. as my setting rule was ā€œonly update when powered by mains, not from batteryā€.

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Sure this is already in works but.

Iā€™d find pies way more useful if I could buy stock then move into a pie. Then the pie has the data on the makeup of the pie. This is basically the same as now but in reverse. I prefer to buy stocks when low and at the moment buying an amount of stock is abit difficult.

itā€™s been requested plenty of times and is indeed an intended feature. as it is a beta however it was not included to protect those testing it out from bugs and errors affecting their portfolio.

thanks mate, tried and worked like a charm. glad to know the teamā€™s working on it too as this canā€™t be a permanent solution.

iā€™ve now noticed another anomaly, 2 of my pies were meant to get autoinvested as scheduled every Tues, but only 1 of them did. not sure whatā€™s wrong. @George could you please look into it? iā€™m seeing a trend of bugs like these when i have activity in multiple pies, if it helps?

Iā€™m having the same issue on IOS unable to sell a stock from my pie currently has a value of Ā£1.00

When adding funds to my pie I keep getting a ā€œno connection to serverā€ message, which is blocking me from buying any more shares, Iā€™ve tried with both 4g and Wifi.