BGCG trust added I’m happily surprised

I believe he said all the Trusts above.

I think It’s currently 20% higher due to BG converting the trust from Witan’s Asia focused fund to a pure China focused fund with now around 25% of the fund currently sat in cash due to selling positions outside of China.
People are buying into this trust because it could actually be massively under valued, as the share price starting point was low due to years of Witans performance. Hence the management change.
I bought into this fund on day one through HL and I’m 35% up in like a month.

My personal view, which is only right for me, is that waiting for NAV to catch up to up, I ’ll be missing out on serious gains. It could never catch up. Look at PHI. You want to miss those gains?
In one week it’s 20% up because BG are still restructuring the entire fund. Just look at the share price over 2 weeks. It’s not even following other China funds performance due to share price bumping higher & higher with more restructuring and people buying into what the fund should be worth, not what it currently is worth.
These opportunities don’t come often with investment trusts. But this is only my point of view. I could be entirely wrong :see_no_evil:


What are your guys thoughts on a good mix of BG funds?

Currently holding SMT, going to buy BGCG and looking at Edinburgh/MONKS/SAINT.

I’m considering selling my Nasdaq-100 ETF so I can add more to these funds.

Would really depend on the performance of them individually. I haven’t looked into them but right now I’m only likely to snap up USA.

EWI and MONKS both looked a bit more value-based but I could be way off on that. Looked at them a while ago.

Not familiar with SAINT.

Sorry I’ve missed a trick here. What’s the bundle you are referring too?

Thanks mate :ok_hand:. Do we know the ticker yet?

That all depends on the trust you want to invest in :wink:

SMT and BGCG are already on T212, the rest should be coming Wednesday. USA is the ticker for Baillie Gifford US Growth Trust.

Wel this is true. I already have a position in SMT and BGCG so I’ll take a look at the other one.

Edinburgh world wide is smaller cap companies at time of purchase but have a familiar feel to ark in terms of Telodoc and lending tree if I remember correctly…

From top to bottom;

  • BGCG (already on 212)
  • BGEU
  • BGFD
  • BGS (already on 212)
  • BGUK
  • USA
  • EWI
  • MNKS
  • PHI (already on 212)
  • SAIN
  • SMT (already on 212)

PHI is also already on 212.

Some insane returns

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Ooh missed that. Cheers. Updated above.

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Thanks for those returns figures, which site is that?

It sure is easier than trying to find the stats on BG website, they have easily accessible stats for some funds, but others seem to be buried.

SMT and USA seem like no-brainers for me, I’d also like some money in China and India so I guess the BGCG and PHI funds look good for that.

I would like more exposure to just India, hopefully £IIND will be added on Wednesday.

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Ok let me put this out there as I’m curious to know what other people think, or what I may be potentially missing!

Is there any other investment firm more successful in terms of performance over 3,5 & 10 year annualised returns than Baillie Gifford???

Of the top of my head I can’t think of any🤔 plus which ever region the fund is focused, I think I’m right in saying BG have the #1 fund in that sector.

There’s always a BG fund from either their open & closed funds in any of the top Top5 in any which way you filter.

But if there is, I’ll be happy to learn about them :grinning:

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Not currently. Which is why I’m so bemused by the sheer amount of ARK love there is on this forum. Haven’t ran the comparison but I’m fairly sure BG wipes the floor with them.

Vanguard seems to be the one to beat in the States but I think that largely comes down to reputation.

BlackRock are highly regarded too, or at least used to be. Fidelity too.

I’ve worked in Edinburgh Finance for 20 years and BG is where everyone in the business wants to end up if they work in Edinburgh.

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If you can average 25% annual returns passively - what more could you ask for :heart_eyes:

I’m personally going to hold BG funds for 40- 50%. of my portfolio then top up with high conviction stocks…I’m sure after a year I might be persuaded to leave it to BG

Snap, although I’ve only been in the business for 15 years and work at BG.


@Dougal1984 Pls can you get us all a job there?? :heart_eyes: haha!

Which is your fave fund?