Bitcoin - way to invest

Can I get some bitcoin experts opinion on this article please? I havenā€™t seen a lot of comment on it.

As long as you stay with the regulated exchanges, i cannot see there ever being a problem.

Well, simply that Bitcoin ran up a gazillion percent is sign enough.

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Thatā€™s your reason huh. lmao. Each to their own

Well no, not each to their own, Bitcoin was about 60k last week and is now 48k at the time of writing, so it played out exactly as expected. You canā€™t have a massive run up of multiples of %s without a pullback.

looking to the first spike and pullback, there must be lots of people hoping it drops so much again this time. many want in but are rightly intimidated by the current pricetag.

I certainly canā€™t justify the price whatsoever. Even at 20k for me was too much.

I held actual coin back when the first spike occurred. I was hoping I could use it as a currency back then, wasnā€™t interested in the fact Its value tripled while I held it.

when there was still no signs of anyone adopting it I waited til it was marginally above what I paid, enough to cover the bank transfer fees and cashed out again.

Interested conversation on the topic today appeared on Reddit.

I remember those days. I would be shocked at this point if it ever was adopted as currency. Would love to see it but I canā€™t see how it is likely.

No one said thereā€™s no pull backs. It went from 5k to its highest point which you seem to know. Selling at any point in b/w would have made money. ETH went from 100 to ~1500+. You can make money shorting btw since you seem to be predicting left right centre. There were people talking sh** about TSLA when sp was 200-300 pre-split. Might wanna look into Microstrategy, TSLA and Paypal getting in on it. Just enjoying my BTC ride to 100k+. Yeee ha!

More power to you. Happy trading.

Top man. Cheers. We all in it to make money and try to achieve FIRE. :beers:

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Now that is one proper ytber, worth listening, indeed. :thinking:

But I prefer unpopular one.

7 posts were split to a new topic: Pointless debate

Thought this article was worth sharing if anyone uses Wirex

How do you fund a Coinbase Pro wallet if in the U.K. youā€™re not allowed to add your bank account or sell crypto into a Coinbase fiat currency wallet?

These are the funding options within my app and Iā€™m U.K.: 1) directly by banks transfer 2) fund normal Coinbase first and then transfer it over to Pro second.

Anyone any thoughts where is the best place to open up some small positions in Bitcoin?