It’s interesting as the Fundamentals are actually alright and don’t seem to be in any danger of losing money so I guess the sentiment is that it will keep dividends the same or slightly reduced as well as the splitting off one of their companies.
I think at these prices it is a buy for someone who wants a Pharma play as well as one of the few UK Companies with a Quarterly dividend.
Well they clearly stated in their recent conference call that divy is getting cut.
The company plans to announce a new distribution policy, implemented from 2022 onwards, to support growth and investments. Expected to be lower than the current value. Shareholders will receive a final dividend of 80p per share in FY2021
GSK added that it is on track to separate two new standalone Biopharma and Consumer Healthcare companies in 2022 to save £300 million annually while it also made £1.1 billion from divestments
Tesla will go to between 550-600 for sure soon I would reckon, if it breaks through 550ish could go to nearer 400. BUT NO I AM NOT SHORTING before all the Tesla bulls jump on me, just speculating
What am I buying? Have been adding bits to BP, FCSS, MXWO, EMIM. as I am rebalancing my holdings. Added a tiny bit to Gold/Silver.
shame I missed 2 opportunities to lock in some tidy profits with Tesla guess I’ll just sit on it for a long time until its back up again. knowing musk will say something that has people go rabid once all of this calms down LOL.
However the change to GSK may cost them in the short term due to cutting the Div, however that could instead support its capital growth of share price in the long run so I guess I am still not too bothered? the 2 companies splitting from it would be a potential source of returns if they look good.
Looks like a Correction to me. Tech Stocks were rallying way too high for it to be justified.
My GAN went down and Tattooed Chef went up after going down for weeks.
I recently bought into GSK as I do believe long term it will go back to its previous support level, plus the Div cut doesn’t bother me as they are trying to focus on growth.
Should I worry about my Butterfly stock as it was at one point 70% up.
Tesla has a history of regularly dropping more than 20% after a run, its normal, look at the chart. Fundamentals of the company have not changed so it will bounce back to even higher levels as it always does.