Did you buy the dip? (buying the dip)

I’m about 8% down, and most of that is Baillie Gifford in the loss to be honest. Long term hold though :ok_hand:

10.5% down :stuck_out_tongue: because I closed a profitable position and reinvested in something that then dipped LOL. was a shame because had I waited a day the profit would have been twice as much too :man_shrugging:

Usually when I don’t aggressively buy, it is dip.
However when I aggressively chase, then it is falling knife.

I didn’t buy, ergo should be dip.


does seem to be the truth for most of us I fear :sweat_smile:

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If you observe it, the COVID-19 recovery stocks such as Airlines, Banks, Travel Agents, Holiday Bookers, Cruise are still doing OK.
I think the price fall in tech stocks is more to do with the market / sector rotation which is normally around the earning session. The people now have more confidence with COVID-19 recovery stocks as we are already very close to the tunnel. So, people take profit with tech stocks and move their money into COVID-19 recovery stocks.

I will wait until they start bouncing back before starting to buy again


Ah cheers that’s good to hear as I’m only 9 months into investing so thank you. Playing it cautious so far.

I hope the dip can last more than a few days, I dont want to dump money in but I conistantly drip feed so happy to keep buying for a couple months of sale prices :smiley:

Thought you would be hoovering up some more BABA around $240 today out the gate. :grin:

all of my positions are down 9-14% except for Realty income which is only down 2.5% :man_facepalming: what an odd portfolio I have conjured up. I need more volatility in my life hahaha.

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When will it be over, seems we are sending the bear parking this week


There is one MASSIVE upside to the last week or so…

…we should see a lot less ARK requests for while.



Hallelujah to that. I feel for anyone who’s recently ploughed a load of cash into Ark pies though and I’m bloody thankful that I dumped mine a while back.

I was enjoying an epic shopping spree today, gleefully buying some growth stocks after waiting about six months for a proper dip, then Jerome Powell opened his mouth and rained on my parade, so I for one am hoping for a few more down days to come.


Had a feeling he’d come out and shaft us even harder.

Anyone have any idea what happened with Volex today?! Hovering around 350 last week

and a sudden dip to 280 this morning (rebounded a bit after) but nothing obvious with company news etc. Just a victim of the dip this morning, and dip in general?!

if anyone bought todays tesla dip they would be sitting on some sizable profits despite the sidewards result LOL the market is so screwy hahaha


If you think you’ve got it bad… just go and check out workhorse.


Did you read this thread about Market Correction, Market/Sector Rotation, Small Crash ??. It happens to almost all tech stock, not just the Volex stock you show in the picture.

This was wild to me. I got stopped out of Corsair Gaming (CRSR) and by the end of the day it was right back and at my buy in…

My Realty Income is taking a hammering with the GBP/USD exchange rate to the point I’m considering hedging it, best/worst its been since the start of 2018 and seems to be heading into an important level for March.

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I think I saw someone post on another thread they had about 20% or something in that. Hope they ok.

That’s what we like to see, I am glad, to have ridden this week highly volatile market without any hiccups, my Portillo is fully recovered with some gains from the dips, this is because of earlier anticipation. hopefully, we can gauge the market slightly more accurately. it is of course impossible to get it to spot on, but am thinking of A. I doing this for us in the future. Good luck on the green week but I dread Friday :writing_hand:

I was looking at Workhorse, who thinks it’s a buy? I have a small position, that I’d like to increase.

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