Extended hours, after hours, pre market

yeah great news. only had 1 question for the t212 team if they are monitoring it, is whether this is for all types of accounts, i.e. ISA and Invest.


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I am pleased to see that functions are being implemented that make T212 increasingly competitive. The last thing missing is the introduction of Tradingview charts for the web platform, I read that it will be implemented in the future. At that point you will have a competitive broker even with those famous brokers who cannot operate here in the EU.
Thank you always for the continuous work you do, keep it up!


@H2T2, the option will be available for both Invest and ISA. Regarding CFD accounts, trading the most liquid and widely known US stocks is currently possible during the extended hours session.

@FraMrt07, thanks for the feedback! You can be sure we’ll keep introducing new features :muscle: I’ll let you know once I have any news about integrating TradinView charts on the web app.


Is extended hours, which has different liquidity, going to be a problem since T212 no longer shows bid/ask?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Bid/Ask spread addition

Hi Bogi,

Is it true the post that trader787 posted about Extended hours trading going live on 20/10/23?

Thank you kindly.

@LearnerEarner It has been communicated by email from T212


Extended market hours trading

On 20/10/2023, we’ll start gradually rolling out extended market hours (EMH) trading.

What is extended market hours?

Extended market hours (EMH) lets you buy and sell US stocks outside the regular trading hours, from 9:30 to 16:00 Eastern Time (ET). It includes pre-market trading, 04:00 - 9:30 ET, and after-hours trading, 16:00 - 20:00 ET.

EMH give you an extra 9 hours and 30 minutes of trading time.

More control

You’ll no longer have to sit on the sidelines while breaking news or earnings calls are being announced. Just switch the extended hours toggle on and you’re ready to go.

No restrictions

All order types are allowed, no exceptions. For the first time ever, you’ll be able to place fractional share orders and market orders during EMH.

Keep in mind that market conditions can be different in EMH compared to the regular trading session. Check our Disclosure Notice for full details of the risks.
Learn more about EMH

To make this possible, we’re updating our terms

We are making some changes to the following documents:


amazing, i could have used it this morning, i had lots of pre market stocks to buy :slight_smile:

Fantastic work Trading 212! Best community and platform to buy shares on!


Just be weary the spread can be higher due to lower liquidity (you might already be aware but you never know someone else on the forum reading might not).

IMO pre/post market is more for short term trading than long term investment - it would be good if 212 could have the market liquidity in the app - or the time of day most trades go through to help encourage my laziness!


@Dougal1984 premarket is great with limit orders to get a chance bargain - just a low order on the chance the premarket gives away some bargains which it often does

edit: but you have to dyor because a low price premarket can because the price is going to drop or just because of a premarket order and it will bounce back as soon as the market opens. As you say, you need to know what you’re doing


Is extended trading hours going to be available on Penny Stocks also from tomorrow?

I really need to be able to be trading when the good news hits before market open.

Thank you.

We plan to offer EMH trading for all US stocks listed on the NYSE and NASDAQ :pray:


great news!

This will make Trading 212 the best platform to trade on vs competitors

We’ll be gradually rolling out the feature in the following days. You can track the progress here.


Will this be similar to the quantity limit ? Like when clients have to request for increase in quantity of any stocks they hold?

Basically, we have to request a stock for pre-ah trading? or it will be available for all stocks?

You won’t have to make any requests :ok_hand: The entire stock rollout is expected to be completed by the end of November, and EMH trading will be available for 5,500+ instruments.

Per the email received, it was meant to go live today? 20th October

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The feature will be introduced gradually, as per the email, and it’s expected to be available to everyone by early November.

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It’s not moving very fast at 0% :smile:

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Gradual rollout in progress

We’re gradually rolling out extended hours trading to an increasing number of users and stocks. Follow the progress :point_down:

Expected start - 24th of October 2023.

:tipping_hand_man: User rollout

Full rollout expectation - 3rd November 2023 :calendar:

  • Users with EMH trading → 0%

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Stock rollout

Full rollout expectation - 30th November 2023 :calendar:

  • Stocks with EMH trading → 0 out of 5,594