German 40 roll over on none expiry date


I was caught out with a roll over in the German 40 index, so after the dust settled and I came to terms with my loss, I decided to make a note of the expiration date, so I could avoid it in the future (e.g. not trade on that day.). I put the entry in my trading log and the expiration displayed in the details pane was 15 DEC 2022 @noon.

Imagine my surprise on 10/11/2022 when the German 40 index rolled over and again caused a loss and it still showed the same expiry date of 15 Dec 2022 @noon.

Are the roll over and expiry dates different? why did it roll over a month before the displayed expiry date?


The exact rollover date is shown in the “Instrument Details” section. Below are the last contracts and expiry dates for this instrument:

  • Germany 40 expired on the 16th of June 2022
  • Germany 40 expired on the 15th of September 2022
  • Germany 40 expiring on the 15th of December 2022

Regarding the current contract - the expiry date corresponds to the rollover date.
On a side note, rollovers do not cause losses or profits. They aim to nullify the impact on the result of your open position.