Its now 9:37 and the German stocks are still not live.
Please advise.
@Team212 @David @George
Wirecard trade not nopen and we loose money.
OPEN IT Trading212 !!!
Are you kidding me?
I am looking at all other feeds and see plenty of movement on the German equities. Except. here.
Wtf is going on?
@siulong007 Feel free to call Deutsche Börse.
it’s opened on etoro .
So i am not sure it’s technical issue.
@siulong007 Depends on where eToro get their price feed from. The main exchange Deutsche Börse is experiencing technical issues.
and yet I am able to see live data on multiple platforms and feeds.
exactly when we can make lot of money ?
Will trading212 refund our losses ?
I doubt it, it’s not a mistake they have made.
there used to be a live chat on 212, has that been perma thrown out? I cannot find it anywhere anymore
In the app there is a “Chat with us” option where you pick a topic and “chat”. Don’t know if it’s live though, as in someone sitting waiting on the end or you’ll get a message back when it’s seen.
They must hide it very well then. Or did they now cut off the hours? It used to be 24/7 no?
No idea, I’ve not had to use it. On Android it’s not hidden, hamburger button, and it’s there. iOS might be different.
not seeing anything at all, nor on web nor on iPhone, iPad
All I see is contact us, redirects me to a contact form, which is useless since it took them last time 4 days to reply.
and on iPhone, a similar contact form. But no live chat
German exchange is having technical issues. Go grab a coffee chill out. WDI will hit €8 today once opens so calm the ham
Deutsche Börse has technical issues. It is not something T212 can solve. Has ben mentioned a few times earlier. It’s not that hard to understand…
That’s not my ticket.
But now I am just furious about the response given. Which is very differently projected in the thread linked to it (which makes a lot more sense about working on remote)
It made it look like you’re favoring client A over client B.