Hi. Since last Friday 20th I have an issue with the LLEXQ stock. I bought it on my ISA account. It was pending for the whole weekend. Then on Monday still in my portfolio with the hour glass icon, as soon as a tapped on it the app crashed. Since this point I was on the tech chat a lot of times.
They did something to resolve the crashing, I could finally access the stock. But it is looking different to all my other ISA account stocks I have. It looks like a cfd stock!
However I cannot close the position. It will give a message: “No connection to the server”
So I am stuck with it and cannot control or delete it.
I think trading 212 in the weekend removed the LLEXQ stock from the ISA portfolio, but due to my pending order this got stuck in my ISA account. And as I do not have the CFD account activated, now I have no control over this stock!
Help! Thanks