How to move to whole number of shares for a particular stock

One of the holdings i have 3.488815 units. I know this has happened because i used the value option and invested in terms of the amount and not the number of units. Is there any way u can get this holding to a whole number of units. When i select to buy the stock there is no way of adding 1.22223 etc of stock. How can i resolve this?

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can you not divide the share by the amount your after and buy the value in which you need to round it up?

It should be available on web already. For android/ios soon I presume.

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Hi i just tried in the web app and i can only specify up to 3 decimal places where as to round up my holding i need to specify an amount to six decimal places. Am i missing something?

Hello @George was the roundup option added to web app? I tried Carnival:LON and when I select buy under stock number was only able to go 0.00X but my fractional was x.0005xxxxx.

You can sell all the shares and buy again the number that you want :wink:

ps: I know it’s a workaround, but if it’s bothering you, it’s at least a fast solution.

It is solution for US stocks, but for UK paying Stamp duty can be hardly solution :slight_smile: