If we can't vote individually, can you confirm a 'broker non-vote' on all your registered shares?

No it is just their listing is terrible, almost like they are trying to stupidly encourage you to not distinguish between a stock and a CFD. They might argue it means the stock is available as a ‘CFD’ as well.

I closed my eToro account for this very reason. I much prefer the way T212 distinguishes between the two. I think there is a strong case for the regulator to step in and stop eToro blurring the boundary – many customers will be buying one thing while reasonably expecting another.

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look I still had some money in eToro (in GME shares)) before switching to here. I must say I much prefer trading212 but eToro just enabled the voting possibility and offers to vote to every GME share holder. I just voted for my shares I have over there as I got an email from them with the link to cast my vote.

I saw pictures of a support chat someone had with T212 a few days ago that said there would be an email coming out to stock holders with an update. I’ve not seen anything yet but I am holding out some hope there will be a response on this in time…

Just a thought, for the voting issue…

I understand the problem of voting generally is that T212 has only 1 vote for the entire amount of a specific stock. So stock owners can not vote individually.

Possible solution:

Present the voting options to the stock owners in T212 and let them vote. Get the final outcome for the investors in T212 and vote for that.

If there is an API for the voting itself, even better automate the process…

Not complicated, just a feature implementation :grimacing:

That won’t work. What if there was 2 million votes, and only 1.1m voted A, 0.8m voted B and 0.1m didnt vote. You cant submit a 2m share vote on the basis that 1.1m shares voted a certain way.

I think it might also be complicated that fractional votes shouldn’t count.

It might also be a limitation with IB more than anything else, they need a means to perform a look through a bit like a nominee account. We dont know, so cannot understand how complicated anything might be to implement or running costs.

Its a nice feature, but not one we signed up to having at the start.

The unvoted stocks are no problem. The voting power increases for the rest, kind of like the elections :slight_smile:

So it would be

OptionA = user1VotedForA* (number of owned stocks / T212 owned stocks) + user2…

Where: T212 owned stocks = T212 total owned stocks - unvoted stocks.

In any case this can happen in the actual voting. What happens with the unvoted stocks? This would be the same thing, just for the T212 user base. The same formula can be applied.

I just got a popup asking me to vote for GME!

Hey guys,

We are moving the topic to :point_down: