New Account Registrations - temporarily disabled

I wouldn’t say the European market is dead by any means–in fact European-listed stocks have been some of my best performers over the past year: DHER and ASML are up about up 80% and ADYEN’s up 110%ish.

US has great growth and performance but don’t knock europe just yet. DD can turn up some real gems.

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It seems like other brokers have started limiting new registrations as well.

@Tony.V is there any ETA for the resumption of opening new accounts? (didn’t see anywhere that you’re accepting new forms again, asking for a friend :wink:)

Nothing yet. Be sure to follow this thread - I’ll update it as soon as I have some information.

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Has the offer of a free share for referrals stopped now? Or is this just temporary?

Is the offer of a free share returning then? I have a couple of friends waiting to sign up

free share referrals should still be possible if your account was made before jan 11th and in a country that supports that (ofc after registrations resume again)

Hopefully today Trading 212 stops acting like Robinhood and lets us buy some stock instead of withholding buy orders.

Unable to buy any sort of investment instrument on this platform. Firstly, Is any body else experiencing this? “Maximum quan. to purchase this instrument is 0”

Secondly, why and what is the point of using this platform if we cant even invest our money here?

Thirdly, are other platforms prohibiting trading?

I don’t want to stir an aggressive conversation but Insight would be welcome.

you received an answer on the topic you made.

as for #2 - CFD trading is not investing. you can use the invest accounts without issue.

My friend made a new account last week with my referral link for a free share but we both didn’t get any. is it still coming or are we getting a bit scammed here?

As long as the promotion criteria are met, then yes, a free share is always allocated. I’d suggest checking also the following steps:

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I would recommend that your friend tries putting your referral code in manually using the “redeem promo code” option ASAP, as the article Tony posted suggests (and definitely before 7 days since they funded their account).

I had a similar problem about a week ago and moments after my friend did it manually we both got our free share - definitely nothing shady going on, just sometimes the tracking which links your friends signup to your promo code gets blocked somewhere along the way.

he used my promo code manually but it said invalid code your account is not eligible for free share? But how is that even possible? Does he need to E-mail you guys, with what information?

I’m already on an ISA, but I would like to open an Invest account with 212 for Penny Stocks. When are the restrictions going to be removed? It’s been almost a week.

Closing the topic & moving to :arrow_down:

Does anybody know how much longer will be creating a new account disabled for?

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