New browser layout - investments & pies

The new share view in the app is terrible, either bring back the old version or improve the ability to customise it.

Itā€™s only made it more difficult to track my investments


Only on the Web version, I mainly use the app, where there are no options to restore to a user friendly version, or nothing I can find, I have spent a while on fruitless searches.

Yes, the advanced view is available only on the web app. Weā€™ll soon add the additional options I mentioned above on both web and the mobile app :pray:

Thanks Tony, unfortunately it doesnā€™t move up any more for me. I donā€™t why. Still can only see 3 investments. Iā€™ll keep messing about with it to see if I can get it work.

Are you planning on changing the web app back to how it was before yesterday afternoon? Itā€™s a complete mess as it is now.

Please donā€™t apply that change to the mobile app.


Just to add my 2p here as well - not a fan of the new layout at all. Please revert the changes back to what it was previously, or at least the option to toggle between the previous interface and the new one.


I gave feedback in chat to the representative (below). Glad I am not the only one that thinks this sucks.


Can I provide feedback please?
The new design is terrible, whoever thought this was a good idea should go and work at Microsoft because this is such a needless change to the UI they would fit right in at Microsoft.
Previously the UI laid everything out nicely on the left-hand side, I could just scroll and see how each investment was doing, if I wanted to view the pie performance as a whole, I could select the pie and it would show me.

Now, I have to go into the pie, select each end every one of the investments I want to view. I could have a stock thatā€™s getting completely annihilated but it is masked by the overall performance of my pie - unless I go into my pie to purposefully look at the investment in question.

The only way around this now is for me to destroy my pie and remove the investments from it in order to see how each stock is doing. Whilst I appreciate your trying to innovate, give me the option of how its laid out, donā€™t just make it worse and call it progress. Sure, someone may like it, I think it sucks. An option as to how its viewed would have been a nice middle ground.
Please allow me to view it as I used to, provide the option to all in how to view it.
This is a backwards step masquerading as progress.
Thats my feedback, if you can pass it on to who needs to know that would be great.
Thank you for your help


Iā€™m finding it difficult to use. My ISAā€™s a mess now with the ETFā€™s from one company scattered.

Iā€™m also having to learn to use the invest account in a different way, particularly when making buying and selling decisions.

Advanced view is too detailed when making decisions, for me.

Iā€™d prefer it returned to alphabetical until there is a choice of methods of sorting.


Why in the ā€˜Home tabā€™? I think the ā€˜portfolio tabā€™ should be where i want to see what I own and use the chart. Can this be reverted back to how it was, rather going through a long-winded way to get to expanded charts?

Quick update - weā€™ve added the option to order the investments by name, value and gain/loss in the web app.

Thank you everyone for the feedback - itā€™s appreciated :pray:


I might be looking in the wrong place, but where is this option?

Refresh your browser, then click on the filter option in the ā€˜Investmentsā€™ section.



Just have manual investments and pies, same as all day, Iā€™ve rebooted my phone, no updated app in play.

Cache is cleared, still no change, very frustrating.

Dude, its the web app desktop version not mobile

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All this does is remove my pie and show me my stock outside of the pie; or shows me the stock I have outside of the pie and removes the pie.

I want to see all my investments! In a pie or not, in alphabetical order, as I did 2 days ago.

This is not progress this is regressionā€¦


Thanks very much for doing this and so quickly. Really important to me to be able to list them alphabetically so it is appreciated.

Thank you T212 for a really quick fix.

Alphabetical/name order is super useful for me. I have around 60 companies and want to find them quickly when prices are moving.

Adding different sort options for people who work in different ways is an excellent solution.

T212 works brilliantly for me and I have very few requests for changes. I think itā€™s an excellent trading tool.

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Thatā€™s my conclusion, too. I will have to export all my investments out of pies in order to be able to view them in one place. Iā€™d really prefer not to.

Letā€™s hope they are not too stubborn to revert it back to how it was with improved filters. Itā€™s a dumb layout for managing thousands of Ā£ā€™s worth of investments.

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One issue that still remains is that the total amount of shares do NOT include the shares included in a pie, which makes it difficult to calculate expected future dividends.

The previous system was better.