New Web App (Beta)

I was not aware :nauseated_face:

and I can’t decide which one is worse, the fact that it’s bad or the fact that they can’t see it.

Major interface changes always got a strong negative reaction by communities. facebook/instagram/youtube etc. all “been there”.

Perhaps they are thinking this is one those backlashes and their design is actually good.

Here is a “full screened” trading212 screenshot, and in the left and right side some browsers open in “incognito” mode (so no they are not my preference)


In that same height of 1440px trading 212 is able to fit a whopping 8 transactions.

I’m not joking, honestly when I visit this disproportionality large page, it makes me dizzy and nauseous.

here is another screenshot from another UK company. not saying they are good or best, but just for comparisons sake. In fact they are dinosaurs in the industry. Also for the sake of fairness screenshotting it on full screen as well.