NKLA, what to do?

I seriously hope people that wish to invest or have invested in Nikola do their DD. Considering that DoJ is getting involved.

Sorry to hear that, been there many times before . Remember that the HR bods don’t make you redundant, only your job! Hope everything works out for you.


I am glad I sold on the day of the GM announcement! This could do some serious damage to the NKLA brand and also I wouldn’t be surprised if GM pull the plug before the end of the year. There is a clause in the contract that allows GM to walk away.

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Essentially the deal has a closing period of 90 days which was a smart move on GMs part.

Basically within that time they can either change the terms or walk away. They can easily use the drop in share price meaning that the 11% share no longer is worth its value and either go for a much larger stake or most likely go the deals off the table.

or maybe not. The guy is a consistent fraudster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaaEy8MQOd8

It does seem bad. But I mean, who is this guy doing the video? You never truely know unless you can validate what the video creator is saying.

By the previous statement I’m not endorsing TM either, it’s just important not to believe what someone says just because they’ve said it.


people can research and try to debunk the statements if they are so pro-Nikola. But can you trust a vehicle company that admits it generates interest by rolling some shell on wheels down a hill (blatantly misleading)?

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Never said you could :man_shrugging:t2:

The one thing I am still trying to understand is How TM is showing up again and again and again in even bigger deals and companies? Why no one is doing anything about it - how he is going to show his face after this concrete facts of a con man?

Developing story —

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


I can see @Vedran smile from a mile away :joy:


Omg, buy the dip, 2D Moon in few weeks. :rocket:


Nothing will bring me smile compared to day when I see TSLA crash landing test. :hole:


NKLA down over 25% now…

Does Trevor think he can escape being arrested, I don’t see how you can make about 2.8 billion in shares made from hyping a company with no product.

9 days until GM pulls out from the deal.

I feel really bad for anyone who actually thought Nikola was going to become the next best thing since sliced bread but the fact of the matter is when Trevor sold millions of shares in order to buy a house back in April alarm bells should have started ringing…

My alarm bells were showing red flags all over the place about this company and now Trevor has resigned and Disappeared into thin air.

The same day a warrant was put out and an investigation started Trevor boarded a private jet and flu to Europe the chances are in order to escape extradition back to the United States

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I believe this company will be Down by almost 50% by Wednesday

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Good chance to make some dosh on your CFD account