Pls remove "Stop Loss value is too far from the current market price" - ✅ Solved

Having the same issues with NAKD too. Please have it removed. Thanks.

@Rumen what’s the max price you can offer on GME right now? Limit order of $100,000 ( :rocket: ) seems fair, right? Let me know if you need acc id or anything :+1:t3:

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NAKD, CBBT, INRG, LLOY - the limits have been increased.

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Actually not joking with this. Inevitably your app is going to crash at 2:30 for the next few days (week maybe?). Albeit a high amount. If there is a surge in price and we can’t cash out because of these limitations put in place beforehand. There will be a LOT of very unhappy people on your hands :blush:

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Hi @Martin is it possible to remove the limit on AMC?

Thanks in advance!

Yeah, I’d also like it increasing significantly on GME too please. It might seem ridiculous but these are ridiculous times. I want to set one for at least $5000.


I also want to chime in and say that the limit for GME & GS2C should be raised

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Apologies if this is duplicated elsewhere, I’m on an old mobile and it’s hard to navigate.

Could you guys please remove/substantially increase the limit for limit orders with GME?


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We have increased substantially the limits for the maximum distances associated with the pending orders of AMC and GME, and they are way higher than the current market price. No additional increases in the distances (of these two securities) will be made unless market logic implies such action (e.g., a drastic jump in the price).


This is a fast moving environment, by the time it hits a level where it can be increased, it might have already increased again by the time you update the limits.

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Please remove the limits all-together for all volatile stocks (GME, GS2C, AMC, etc).

These are unprecedented times and we should be allowed to set our own sell limits without being capped. You are literally stopping us from taking profit!

We do not trust market price as it has been being manipulated all week by wallstreet/hedge funds including Interactive Brokers.

Please let us set our own sell limits!

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Market logic is implying such movement. Hence why people are requesting it.


They have previously said they can’t technically remove the limits they are part of the system. They can adjust to the max possible from the current price, but they can’t remove them completely to set any figure.

Either way they have not adjusted GS2C to be equal to GME, please adjust to maximum @David @Rumen

GS2C has been increased.

Hey, can you increase the max sell limit percentage? I am trying to set a sell limit around about 10x and the platform won’t allow it. What’s the benefit of having max percentages of limit orders?

Thanks, I was able to place a sell limit order at €1,750 however that is a lot less than the GME USD sell limit of $2,800. :confused:

GS2C €1,750 = $2,100

GME $2,800 = €2,300

what is the justification for having such limit in the first place? is it technical requirement or just something completely arbitrary? why does it matter to T212 if people are setting a limit sell of $69420 vs $2800?


Can GME be increased more?

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Please update the limit on WKHS, it’s miles away from the current price. @David