I use Numbers, but tempted to switch to google sheets and build a macro to upload trades from 212, Fidelity and Hargreaves.
I summarise everything realtime, and roll over the balances manually.
I think if I switched to sheets, then I would get sheets to record the daily prices of stocks for a month, then monthly. That way I could have a total portfolio tracker over time with history.
I don’t do real time as I don’t day trade, I do end of day/week/monthly going back. Any stocks I purchase tend to be long term, that and my work has a policy I have to hold more than 2 months.
I have a tab with a list of stocks, a timeline, and a kill order to stop updating once I’ve sold out so it doesn’t slow down.
Like @Dougal1984 I use Apple Numbers. I have tried almost all apps out there and a week down the line I always find big limitations.
Here is a good template I found if you don’t want to get your hands dirty and create your own
The same one for Google Sheet (have not used this one myself)
For notifications I use Yahoo Finance. This is because once I have setup my watchlist and notifications I can also use their great Apple TV app that shows you a graph in real time and news based on your watchlist directly on your TV. And I have my TV open as I do other stuff around the house
@Lippy can you elaborate on how Genuine Impact can be used as a portfolio tracker please?
From what I can see it’s a ranking system based on fundamentals, but in terms of tracking a portfolio, all you can add are percentage or value splits, so the tracking would be extremely manual.
Unless I’m not using it correctly or not seeing a particular feature…?
Give this feedback to genuine impact, I use it the track my portfolio value over multiple products so I’m unsure what you mean.
You add the nunder of shares you have and it tracks and provides %s return’s, and it also provides very useful information forward on my positions to track my portfolio performance.
Nothing isn’t going to be non manual unless trading 212 adopts open bank so I can see my value else where even that isn’t ideal.
Hmm, I am unsure it’s an option though. Might need to update the app or contact the support. I’m not the developer I just use the app, and find the portfolio manager to be useful when set up with my positions.
I know, I’m just asking as you seem to be having more use out of it than me.
I already have a tracker in Stockopedia and in Google Sheets so I’m okay - it was more a general question on GI as I have yet to see the value - thanks for the insight.
It’s a new app so won’t be full feature rich like the big boys, but the data they provide is useful. Company information and the clean look of the app help, the portfolio section was released a week ago. So genuinely provide them with the feedback you can speak with them in the app and they are very good with getting back to you.
I don’t know how long they have been going but so far I’m impressed especially how much cheaper it is atm that over services.
Extremely basic, mate, but can do. Doesn’t track transactions (will eventually)- I still use Stockopedia for that for now - just the overall holdings, weightings and return.