Portfolio Tracker App

If you donā€™t mind using Excel, Iā€™m using a workbook that I created (which took more than 6 months to complete :sweat_smile:). I wanted something as simple as possible to use, yet advanced in the information it provides, but couldnā€™t find any platform to give me all the info I need. So, Iā€™ve decided to create my own lol. You choose your portfolioā€™s currency, you add your Transactions, Trades, and Dividends, and some info for each ticker, and you are good to go.

Iā€™ve also used the T212 CSV format and included the option to import your accountā€™s history automatically using the file exported from the app.

You can check it out here Excel Investment Portfolio Tracker Template | Features - YouTube

For any questions please let me know!