Sorry if I’ve doubled up on this question, but a search for “Automation” and “Automate” didn’t find a similar thread.
Are there any plans to be able to use webhooks to automate trades in Stocks & Shares ISA’s??
I have friends who’re using Capitalise.ai to successfully automate trades in their GIA’s on other platforms (maybe that’s possible here in T212 in non ISA accounts), so it would be VERY helpful to be able to automate trades in my S&S ISA using alerts generated from within my Trading View charts.
Any help, is much appreciated.
Kind regards.
Hi Guys,
Bumping this thread up for your attention.
PS: I’m such a massive fan of T212 and the platform you guys and girls have built!!
I have been a customer for barely a year yet, and I am SO impressed.
Fantastic work, and congrats to you all for the sheer amount of hard work it must have taken to get the platform so slick and easy to interact with.
Hey, @Clearwell_T - we appreciate the kind words, and I’m glad to know that you enjoy our app and the services that we offer.
What you described in your first message is not currently possible, however, we’re working on developing an API. The feature is still in beta and not available to place real money trades just yet, but you can generate an API key via the Settings menu and test it out if you’re interested. More information is available here.
On a side note, if we do integrate our services with a similar software as the one you mentioned, we’ll notify the Community right away 
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