Thoughts on NKLA?

NKLA Price is really at a discount right now, any of you buying in?

I see the argument for not buying - but what’s your takes on reasons to grab this stock?
Quick flip or nice one to buy n hold ?

A possible reason to buy: Market over-reaction.

How much shareholder dilution will there be?

I would only invest if you genuinely believe they’re going to bring a product to market that betters in infrastructure to what Tesla does, is more cost effective then what Hyllion propose and beats the tech that Rivian does.

If it can’t do all of this, bear in mind they’ll all come first, it’s screwed.

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At this point I’d be more inclined to put that money on SPAQ for a quick flip.

Yea, I don’t like Trevor, gut said something is up with him.

I’ve put my free share money on NKLA tonight as a punt, but once its up a tad, it’s gone. Worse case … im down £7 lol


No! :triangular_flag_on_post: galore


Haha yes.

Every time I hear “Nikola”, all I can hear in my head is “Nick all o’ya” … money.

I’m certain they will fail, just needs a bit of time.
First Ponzi scheme of the EV world :rofl:

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It’s a shame as I don’t think there’s anything malicious in what he’s doing. He just seems a bit of a boob.

I’ve been out for a while and thought I might go back in when they got to mid 30s. But I keep chucking more cash into Hyliion instead.

If anyone played 29 to 34 then kudos.

With earnings coming up it’s going to get messy. I see it goin in at 25 and dropping on earnings day.

I’ll buy at 15.


Let us know when it is at 15 ;).
I may have a look at getting 1 or 2 shares.

:sweat_smile: alert set!

I do like :popcorn: this stock. Still a bit gutted I didn’t load up when it was VTIQ when it was $20. But it was already way overvalued at the time, and returning to $11 was more likely than towards $100.

It’s in a good position chart wise if it was a normal stock. As its not I’m not touching it.

How you feeling about SPAQ ($13) and SHLL ($19) in that case? Getting your feet wet?

Continuing this from back in June I noticed this start up trying to bring it to a consumer level.

Could be one to watch for the future

I believe Chinese EV companies are at much better position than Nikola. If I am buying in EV market I’ll go for Chinese companies because they have better future, production costs are lower etc

:rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

Garbage garbage trucks that will never see the light of day.

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Not sure if you understand what garbage garbage trucks of garbage full of garbage means.

:face_vomiting: I’m pretty sure it means Nikola.

I won’t be interested in nkla, even if they get asked to make every single vehicle in the world, I’m until they show they can even make one. Can’t stand people that are all talk but have nothing to back it up

I think you guys are lacking a better vision of the future :crystal_ball:
you will be better served by those traditional dinosaur companies like Tesla. :t_rex:

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