The Reddit traders are at it again. Some people thinks is market manipulation and the Feds and looking into that, we will see where that leads, probably another sell-off and and volatility.
Have to look at it from another perspective though, it’s a hugely emerging sector. I myself have my own company manufacturing products in the UK. Natures medicine
Over the counter cannabinoids have become popular in the U.K. Very little THC so nothing to get excited about.
They’re even putting them in snack bars and making ridiculous claims about health benefits. I did not invest. They don’t taste very nice either.
It’s been a recurring rallying sector as more and more states legalise. Any Reddit involvement is the result of the rallies, not the cause.
I was all for Tilray and enjoyed the huge ride recently. Albeit on a free share. I sold at a profit. I’m tempted to get back in with them as they head over to the UK and I’m sure will continue to grow in Europe.
Bit wary of a new entry SP at the mo though.
Now would be the time. They’ve just had a massive rally to 60 and a subsequent sell off of 50%, leaving a good 100% potential upside and that’s only if they don’t blow past the previous resistance levels.
Just want them to fall a little bit more. Have my eye on $25
I want one stock like this in my portfolio and I do think these have a long way to go. Hopefully a little drop tomorrow then I can buy back in.
Sure a good time to re-enter unless the legalisation gets any further hiccups which are unlikely. Bullish
Back in but with Aphria - read that once they complete the merger
Under the terms of the deal Aphria shareholders will received 0.8381 Tilray shares for each share owned.
Felt like a no brainier. Here’s to the next few years!
‘cellular goods’ have an ipo coming soon, backed by David Beckham
Is it cus I got high?
Cellular goods is now listed
But not yet added to t212 platform .
Hopefully it won’t be too long as price is already rising …
Tilray having a great day! Made the money back I lost on the merger now
Here for the future with Tilray. Nice to see it up 42% in a month. Hope it’s not being run up unnaturally and intentionally.
Nice to see OGI moving up again slowly.
I’m a long term holder under $1. Hate that it gets lumbered in with the meme stocks.
They have great potential and 20% owned by BAT.
Will hold for years, and hope it will be a big company.
Was pissed after the Aphria mess with Tilray but sucked it up and bought back in and with news like this I’m glad I’m long!
I think staying long can really pay off, especially if you believe in the potential of the stocks. Just gotta ride out the waves! The volatility can be nerve-wracking, but it can also present opportunities if you’re willing to hold your ground.