Would you like a pie?

will this be pies inside pies? and can you adjust your stock to 0,5%?

I looove pies!
Can’t wait…:cake::cupcake::moon_cake:

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With the initial version of the feature, you will be able to create multiple pies, however, you won’t be able to nest one into another. This is something that we’ll most certainly introduce in an upcoming version.


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Are we allowed a hint at the release date? Very excited! :slightly_smiling_face:


should be really close!!!


hopfully some time this week


hello, If we wanted to set up multiple pies, (I understand pies within pies will be a later update) would we need to manually assign £ to each one?

So for example if I had 3 pies… one Tech one Consumer and the third Finance, and I wanted to assign 50% to Tech, and 25% each to Consumer and Finance. Out of £100 would I need to specifically assign the set sums to each pie?

hope this made sense

Yes, you would have to do exactly that. However, if you plan to invest a fixed amount regularly you will be able to automate the investments and won’t have to deal with this allocation every time.

Is this coming into the main app this month?

ah ok, so basically if you do a bit of math homework ahead of time and you know how much of say £1000 per month will be split among 10 pies… you can simply automate it so as long as the £1000 in total is available, the automation should do the rest…

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will this be for desktop too ?


I explain it here. AutoInvest - Join the BETA

Sorry @George, I’ve looked but I’m not sure if you have covered this. Will I be able to allocate my current holdings into a pie?

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@Antidev it will not be possible at the launch of the update but shortly after

Thanks @ovidiuovidiuovidiu

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Any estimation when the Pie Feature will come out of beta? :thinking:

If everything goes by the plan it should come by the end of the week:

Yes, but only for beta users. The question is when it come’s to the normal users.

I misread, my bad.
I don’t think we have an official date for the final release yet, but hopefully the beta testing will go smooth enough so the ETA will be by the end of June.

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